Chapter 3: Preparations for the fest

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The match had already been lost and as promised Ahana and I have to help Rohan with the fest alongside students council. It has already been a long day organising the names of participants coming in for the fest from different colleges, not only from across India but also abroad. Once the names were finalised we were to contact each one of them to confirm their date of arrival and arrange for their stay.

Bundling up the sheets after I was done sorting I looked up at the clock. It was 11 pm. While I was waiting for others to complete their piles, I opened up the calendar on my phone.  Mood Fiesta was just a week away from now.

"Aargh" Ahana was, what seemed like about to pull her hairs off the scalp. "I can't do it anymore". She said whining. And then she glared at me. 

I pursed my lips and looked away, as I was about to burst into laughter. It was then I realised Rohan wasn't there in the room. I could tell other students from the student council were exhausted. One of them had laid down their head on the table, while some were yawning.

When did he leave? I thought to myself. Just then the door opened and Rohan came in trying to balance a tray with mugs in one hand, an umbrella in the other hand and kicked the door shut with his feet.

"Oooh. It's cold outside. It has been pouring continuously", he said, placing his umbrella by the door. The water falling from it had left a small puddle.

He then gently placed the cups on our desks and smiled brightly.

"We did it." He sounded victorious as he collected the piles from everyone. "Good work everyone".

I picked up the coffee mug and held it with both hands to warm them. Ahana walked over to my desk and plopped in the bean bag that was lying by the window, with a sigh. 

Rohan organised the piles and stapled them together and called for everyone to gather. "We should start calling the participants starting tomorrow. I will divide the calling list and mail it to everyone. We are done for today." 

As everyone started leaving. I went over to pick my bag and put my pens, highlighters and other stationeries in my pencil pouch. I looked out of the window to see if it was still raining. But the rain had already stopped. I was relieved as I hadn't brought my umbrella. Ahana and Rohan have already packed their bag and were waiting for me outside so I hurried up. Rohan locked the room behind us and insisted on walking us to our dorms.

The road was wet and there were puddles of water here and there. It must have rained heavily. The light from the street lights reflecting from the damp road made it seem like stars on the ground. A sudden gush of wind made us all shiver and I realised winter will be here soon.

"What are your plans for the fest? How are you guys planning to enjoy your first fest on campus?" Rohan started the conversation.

"I am going to prom with my boyfriend!" Ahana blushed. "That being said I need you to pick a dress for me," she said jumping in tiny and looking at me.

"Can I ever say no to you?" I said ruffling her hair.

"What about you, Yeo Reum?" Rohan asked looking in my direction.

"I have to leave for my home town. I can't stay for the fest on campus. There's something that I need to do." It was around this time of year, long back when I lost my grandmother and since I want to remember every single detail about her and keep her close to my heart while her memories kept slipping away, I couldn't think of a better time than this to take a trip back to Dehradun. It would save me from dealing with strangers during the fest and there couldn't be a better excuse than this. I have been feeling low for the past few days and everything reminds me of my grandmother. What about her friend from South Korea whom I used to call 'Amma' lovingly? Where would she be now? How is she doing? Will she remember me? 

All these questions have bothered me for years but have again started to surface and this time I don't want to run away from them. I have to face them and find answers to every one of them.

"Oh. Can't it be postponed?" Rohan asked losing the excitement in his voice and with hopeful eyes.

I shook my head as I tried to clear my head and felt my eyes moistening. Was it the cold wind that was blowing or was it the gush of emotions that brought tears in my eyes?

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