♢S I X T E E N♢

Start from the beginning

"It's okay. We're going home now, maybe you're sick because you don't eat anything. I told you you'll get sick if you keep avoiding food." He said as led you to the exit. "You go to the car, I'm gonna tell the guys and will be back."


Next evening, both you and Jimin were sitting on his bed, facing eachother. "So, what do you want to tell me?" Jimin asked.

It was only after dinner when you asked him to go to the bedroom and let him know something. Your fingers were fidgeting together and your cheeks were as red as tomato, heart beating like crazy.

However, you were so cute wich made Jimin struggle to have control over himself.

Damnit Jimin, get a fucking hold of yourself.

You cleared your throat, still not looking up at him. "Look, I'll get straight to the point." You nervously, but quickly said.

You missed the satisfied smirk on his lips. He liked the way you got nervous infront of him. The smirk couldn't spent it's beautiful time on his lips when he heard what you said after.

"I think I'm pregnant JM." You looked up to find a completely different Jimin. Mouth opened - not widely though - eyes wide. Breathe stopped.

"Ah Y-Y/N..." He paused. "You think you're pregnant...?" He asked.

Goodness she's pregnant?

"Yeah but..." You again cleared your throat. "I wanna use a pregnancy test." You looked down again.

This is so embarrassing! I'll burn now!

As for Jimin, he couldn't believe. His mind wasn't working. You maybe are pregnant. Means that you're caring his baby. And that means that he's going to be father. But again that means you are going to leave sooner.

He didn't know to be happy or sad, proud or disappointed. It was like life was never on his side, always doing things to him that never made him happy for ever. You being with him for that amount of time was the best thing ever happened to him. But again, he couldn't be happy forever, because life would steal you from him at the end.

"T-then what are you waiting for? Go and do it. I'm waiting here." He stood up, waving his hand towards the bathroom while speaking.

You stood up, went towards the bedside table and took out the pregnancy test you bought and went towards the bathroom. But before you could enter, Jimin stopped you. "Y/N, uhh...." He trailed off, not knowing how to tell you what he wanted. "Oh my god.." He whispered, "Look, when you finished adding that thing.... um... come out and let's wait.... Ehh..... for t-the er, the result together. Alright?" Jimin said, avoiding eye contact with you.

If it was any other situation, you'd smile like an idiot and admire Jimin's face. Flustered, cute and everything.

But that just made you redder. "O-okay."

5 minutes after entering the bathroom, you came out with the pregnancy test in your hand, seeing a not so happy Jimin, pacing in the room. As soon he saw you, he stopped and looked down at your hand. "I really wanna know why you took so long! That shit is so small!" Jimin said, wanting to ask with a gentle voice, but it came out harsher than he expected.

Being maybe a pregnant woman, you didn't like the tone he used to speak with, and you got a little emotional. "Then why didn't you try it yourself?!" You snapped back, voice as high as Jimin's.

His eyes softened seeing your teary ones, knowing that his anger was for no reason. Even if there was, you weren't one. He got all nervous and you taking long like he thought, didn't help at all. "I'm sorry." He mumbled and he walked towards you.

Your heart fluttered when he didn't stop walking until you and him were chest to chest, his arms locked around your waist. Blushing, you tried to avoid him and calm your crazy heart down by looking down at the test in your hand, and he did the same. He leaned his head down and pressed it against yours gently. And that completely stopped your poor heart.

It was just like that, you and him stood in a very loving way, waiting to know if another soul is coming to this life or not.

Life is so unfair, isn't it? You couldn't tell how much affect he had on you, how much he meant to you.

Love is so beautiful. But sometimes it becomes ugly in some people's point of view, to the point they don't even believe in it. Because sometimes it hurts, badly.

The unfair life and the beautiful love was exactly you and Jimin's case. You guys for sure loved eachother, but life just had to be the main character in your drama, and made you guys so close, but so far at the same time, from eachother.

However in Jimin's eyes, you were love, and he himself was the cruel life. After all, he was the reason who you guys weren't the cute couple he imagined.

"How long we have to wait?" He whispered, in a most affectionate way.

You whispered back, "Five minutes or so..".

Thoes five minutes felt like 5 years to be honest. His heart mimicked your hearts' actions, wich was beating as fast as possible. His eyes couldn't stay on that small pink thing, and made there way to your face.

You were so beautiful. You are always beautiful. Even if you don't have the best face features, aren't wearing make up, your hair isn't styled in the best way, if you aren't wearing expensive clothes or accessories, you're the queen herself. You were the total definition of beauty. An angle like face, Galaxy like eyes. Perfect was suitable for you.

One of the said Galaxy like eyes, let out a single tear, making a frown on Jimin's face. "Why are you crying" He asked, not remembering to look down at the test. Your beauty just washed his mind.

"I'm pregnant....."


End of chapter sixteen.


Come on it is so
enjoyable to read them!!!!

Okay sorry, hope yall enjoyed.


Shine, dream, and smile 💜💜💜.

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