Lowe - Willow x reader

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(Willow x F! werewolf! Reader, requested by @BranchLeaper) 


"Didn't you hear? There's a ten-foot-tall werewolf in the forest"


"Yeah, it's been terrorising the nearby civilians!"

"And there's a full moon tonight..."

"I know!"

Luz's head whipped around as she overheard the two students that had just passed her gossiping. She turned back to her friends that had both ignored the passing conversation. "You never told me The Boiling Isles had werewolves!"

Willow glanced at her. "Well, it never really came up in conversation."

"So you do!"

"Yeah, they're big, sharp and do a lot of damage." Gus shuddered at the thought of the infamous wolves.

"How big can they get? Can they transform at will? Do they eat people?"

"It depends on the strength of the curse. Yes. Except on a full moon. Then they have no choice. I don't want to know," Gus answered.

Luz narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure..."

"Uhh." Gus's grip on his notepad tightened and, he averted eye contact with Luz before quickly blurting out. "That's a lie I really want to know..."

Luz's eyes sparkled, "We have to check this out!"

Willow narrowed her eyes. "Luz, I get that you're excited about this but, werewolves are serious. Especially ten-foot-tall ones!"

"This will be perfect for my journalism class!" Gus exclaimed, ignoring Willow's concern.

Luz nodded her head enthusiastically, also deciding to ignore any worries Willow had.

Willow groaned in defeat at her two excitable friends. Her shoulders, sagging in defeat. "Well, then I'm coming too."

"We'll all go together! Pretty lucky that it's a full moon tonight!" Luz cheered, somehow nudging both of her friends at the same time.

Willow sighed. "Yeah, lucky..."


Stood before the towering forest with only the stars, moon and (due to Luz) a torch to give them any light. Luz, Willow and Gus checked their equipment.

"I brought wolfsbane."

"Witches can touch that?!"

"Humans can't?"


"I have my notepad and pen!"


"My illusion magic...?" Gus trailed off guiltily.

Willow sighed in frustration. "Luz, do you have anything to give Gus?"

"Silver. Eda had a surprising amount of it. Then again, I probably shouldn't be surprised by now..."

"Alright," Willow forced a smile, "let's go!"

Luz giggled and rushed ahead.


A branch had just broken.

The sound echoed along the long tree trunks, bouncing off the giant mushrooms that littered the muddy forest floor, leaving behind a bone-chilling 'crack' in its wake.

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