Misc ficlets

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The timeline at which these are set varies i.e my Lilith one is set early s1, these can be interpreted as romantic or platonic (except for Lilith's one which is just /p :D )

Hunter can hold your hand whenever he wants.

He can also play with your fingers, smoothing over joints and callouses like it's all he knows how to do.

When the air begins to compress and squeeze around him, leaving his skin tight and his breath short, he isn't alone.

Because now he has a guide in your soothing rubs and familiar grip. And a gentle pulse to show him the way. Suddenly it's harder to get lost in his head.

He begins to suspect it might be the best thing in the world.

And when he can hold your hand, he thinks maybe things will be alright.


Lilith still has the friendship bracelet you made her years ago.

Handed carelessly off on a whim, the colours clash a little and stand out harshly against her pale skin, looking permanently out of place. Wholly inappropriate for a person of her stature (she assumes. It wouldn't be expected of her at least).

It stays tied to her ankle, still in pristine condition, thanks to a spell.

She doesn't look the same as the fourteen-year-old you originally gifted it too. Her unruly, ginger ponytails by now had been discarded for controlled dark hair at a shorter length. And any old bomber jackets left to collect dust in a cardboard box as her taste matured and dimmed to dark dresses and long skirts.

But it stays on her at all times. Bright, colourful, completely out of place, and bursting with childish promise and love.

Because, a part of her whispers deep down, what other love does she have left?


You think you're about to have a heart attack when Eda crashes to the ground.

Instead, as you do every time she returns from another trip around the Isles, you run to her side.

Owlbert, now back to flesh and bone and miraculously unharmed, hops around her sprawled form. He reaches her forehead and turns to stare at you. To your distress, next to Eda's palisman you see that more blood than usual is passing her short ginger hair to colour the ground.

But this isn't your first time treating the notorious thief, so, despite your initial concern, the routine should be easy.

As the medical coven advanced, potions specially curated for each blood type became common, working at a quicker, more efficient pace than the average elixir, and were now a regular appearance in modern medical treatment. With the grass below still being tinted a sickening red, it would've been obvious to anyone that Eda was currently badly hurt. Now all you had to do was remember her blood type and quickly grab the concoction from your first aid kit. Simple.

Unfortunately, at that moment, Eda lets out a weak groan of pain, and it's like a switch is flicked: panic begins to blossom and your mind goes blank.

Oh dear God, you lurch forward, reverting to the same nervous witch you were the first time you helped her and quickly ask, "what's your type?!" Sounding a little more frantic than you should've.

She gazes at you, still a little dazed and replies with a hazy, "oh y'know..." and vaguely gestures in your general direction.

You can feel your hair greying.


Luz looks pretty in the sun.

She always looks pretty, but the speckles of light that sneak from between the canopy decorate her in little golden freckles and you think no one's managed to appear so ethereal.

...or maybe not. Because ethereal would suggest a sense of not belonging, of separation between being and the world around them, a sort of divide in the existence of the person and the place.

And whilst you wholeheartedly believe that how someone so sweet has suffered so much is beyond reason, just like her spirit roars beyond sense and her heart loves beyond limits. Luz, in essence, has always felt more like home.

And here, you think, she has never seemed more at ease.

Sunbathing (or at least what she insists is sunbathing) on the floor of a magic forest, on a magic island surrounded by mystery and wonder, Luz had begun to shine. And with each blinding beam, every creature, every witch, every living being tried to capture her warmth.

You are no exception, her pretty sun freckles, pretty hair and pretty mouth pulling you in until you're leaning closer.

The crunching of the leaves underneath gives away your staring as she cracks open an eye to meet your gaze.

Her eyes look pretty too. Brown melding together with gold to make honey hues.

She shifts towards you and offers a questioning head tilt.

"You have star freckles all over your face." You offer no further explanation. In return, she smiles goofily and lazily swipes at you, catching onto your arm and pulling you closer.

Then again, you think, no point reaching for the sun when she welcomes you into her hearth with open arms.


A/N just some practice after not writing in a bit due to exams :)) bit iffy on a few (like the Eda potions one?? did that make any sense??? the general idea was blood type indicates which healing potion to use) but oh well lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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