Tunnel Vision - Boscha x reader

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F! Reader
Cw: swearing, implied homophobia
Boscha regretted coming to this sleepover. Here she was doing absolutely nothing as everyone else had what looked like the best time of their lives. To be honest if she had known who exactly was coming she would have made up some lame excuse to not go and instead stayed at home and gone on Penstagram. Then again Boscha didn't really want to think about home at the moment.

Woke up today and heard your name once again
It's getting harder now to see you as a friend
Your pretty face, the way you talk, the way you smile

The infernal giggling started again, snapping Boscha out of her trance. But there was no way she could be mad at the person who interrupted her train of thought. If anything all she wanted was to grab them then kiss them senseless. There was no way she could do that though

Hey tunnel vision, welcome back, it's been awhile

A new song began playing from some part of the room Boscha couldn't see. Everyone else gasped and began clumsily scrambling towards the middle of the dance floor. Skara tripped and fell but brushed it off barely containing her laughter as she struggled to stand up. By now Boscha could barely hear the music over everyone's giggles and the banging of their feet as they spun around. It's not like she cared anyway. She wasn't even paying attention to the awful dancing.

Everything around you fades to grey

Boscha had no idea how they did it. How someone could look so effortlessly gorgeous as they danced to some tune they made up (because no offence it definitely wasn't to the beat of the song). Slowly the rest of the witches had disappeared to her leaving only them spinning around.
Until someone else took their hand.

Terrified of scaring you away

Boscha could feel her heart breaking when the two got closer but as soon as they got near each other Luz twirled away laughing breathlessly. Boscha sighed in relief, but tensed up again and tried to discreetly check if anyone had noticed.

I wanna hold your stupid hand and kiss you on your stupid face
I just wanna be in love with you
Oh I just wanna be in love with you

There was nothing more she wanted to do right now than to just go up and ask Luz who exactly she thought she was.
Much like one of the protagonist in those shitty dramas she watched with her friends. She would walk up confidently, say some witty remark and take the love interest for their happy ending together.

I'm well aware I talk about you all the time
Cause it's impossible to get you off my mind

"Care to explain why your staring daggers at my friend?" Amity asked coldly making Boscha almost fall of the ledge she was sitting on in shock. Turning to glare at Amity Boscha sat down again. "Like I'd pay attention to round ears."

I'm sick of subtlety, I hope you're catching on
Who knew that agony could be a little fun

"It's none of your business anyway" Boscha scowled turning away defensively. Amity didn't seem very affected by her words though and just shrugged and walked away. Watching her go Boscha wished more than anything that she could tell her friends the truth. To just confess all her emotions to someone and feel the relief of not suppressing some stupid secret.

Everything around you fades to grey

It wasn't stupid though. If it was she would definitely have told someone. Probably in some passing comment that would have turned into shitty gossip for a while and then been forgotten.
No. This was way more serious.

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