Chapter Twenty

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I didn't go after Cable but went up to my room, I slammed the door and flung myself onto the bed. Tears traveled down my cheeks, I wiped them away and rolled on to my side. Jack's tiny head was bobbing up and down, I reached my hand out to him. His tail wrapped around my wrist and I pulled him close to me. He snuggled into my chest, his eyes immediately closed and I smiled as he let out a soft snore.

"I'm glad one of us is happy." I said to the snoring creature. I marvelled at its aqua scales that changed colour from aqua to teal to a jade green, they changed with every breath he breathed; it was mesmerizing.

"You are so beautiful. Why did you have to die?" I asked even though I knew Jack couldn't understand me and even if he could, he couldn't say anything back.

I laid for I don't know how long but I had time to think, I knew my parents wanted to send me away for my own safty. I could see that now but it would be hard to leave them, especially if I was going away with Cable. But with Cale going all crazy and under lockdown, the attack and Jack's death. They had a point. I grabbed my phone and texted my mom saying that I would leave with Cable. When I hit send I laid back down forcing myself not to cry.

"Minnow?" The sound of my moms voice made me sit up. Jack opened one eye, saw everything was okay and crawled onto my lap and fell back to sleep.

"You got my text?"

"Yes, I just wanted to see how you are doing. How are you doing?"

"I have no clue."

My mom sighed and sat down next to me, "You want to talk?" I gave her the evil eye. "Had to ask? It's a mom thing."

"I just want to fall asleep and never wake up."

"Very dramatic."

I ignored her comment, I knew she wanted to make light of the situation but I wasn't in the Ha Ha kinda mood. "It is," I said feeling a pout spring to my lips. "I lost my virginity to someone I don't love and doesn't love me, the guy I thought I loved died and came back as a baby dragon and now that our bond is broken I don't even know if I really liked the guy."

My mom raised her eyebrow at me. "Fine I liked him, he was hot. But love him, I'm not too sure, but I will never know. Now to top things off I'm leaving with Cable to God knows where."

"How do you feel about Cable?"


"He didn't..."

"No mom, I wanted it."


"I'm angry because he's such a jerk."

"Is he or is that what he wants people to see."

"I don't know and I don't care."

We both looked at the door at the sound of someone clearing their throat, my stomach dropped to the floor. Cable was standing there staring at me, "Can we talk?"

"Ah.." I stuttered.

"I will leave you two alone." My mom said as she rose from the bed, she gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered in my ear to play nice. I gave her the evil eye and she laughed as she passed Cable who had to moved into the room to let her out.

"Cable...." My mom started to say something but I cut her off, thank god, "Mom." I was embarrassed enough as it was I didn't need her help.

"Fine." She said as she shut the door leaving me alone in my room with Cable and Jack.

"Your father just told me that your still leaving with me. You okay with that?"

I stoodup and looked at him, he was good looking but not what I normally went for; he was totally not the boy next door. "As long as you don't get any funny ideas."

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