Chapter Five

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Over the next two hours Jamie and I watched a movie and ate a big bowl of buttered popcorn that she still kept on her lap eating the half popped kernels. I was extremely tired as it was almost two thirty in the morning and I knew I had to get up at seven thirty to get ready before we take Cale and dad to the airport but I didn't know how to break this to Jamie who was now staring at the blue screen of the TV. "I guess you have had enough sleepover for one night." Jamie said giving me a shy smile.

"There's never to much sleep over, if you want theirs a pillow with your name on it in my room."


"Yeah you just have to promise to be easy on me okay."

"I'm always easy on you Minnow."

"Oh," was all I got out before Jamie pushed the bowl into my lap, got up and was running for the stairs.

"Beat you to your room."

"Shit." I muttered to myself as I put the bowl on the coffee table and went after her not wanting to leave her alone for to long as I knew a ambush was coming. I took the stairs two at time but stopped when I got to my bedroom door, I put my ear against it to see if I could hear Jamie moving so I could predict which direction the first hit was going to come from but the room was quite.

I opened the door and peaked inside, she was no where to be seen so I stepped inside to have a better look. I was about to turn around when I heard a horrible screech which made me brace for the hit that got me on the side of the head with a pillow, the force of the hit lifted me off my feet and I let out a screech of my own as I flew through the air then hit my bathroom door hard with the back of my head.

Instantaneously my head exploded into a fit of bursting stars as I slide down my door hitting the floor with a thunk, "Ouch," I said trying to get up but the movement hurt like hell so I stayed on the floor looking up at a scowling Jamie.

"I thought I said to take it easy on me."

"I was," she said as she reached out to help me up.

I pushed her hand away, "Just give me a second." Jamie stepped back to give me some room when my bedroom door made a worse sound then Jamie did and we both watched as it landed on the floor in the middle of my room. Jamie's uncle was standing on it looking around the room ready to kill whoever needed killing, I looked up at him from the floor, I think t was starting to go into shock.

"What the hell is going on in here,"he said looking from me to Jamie, Cale and Jamie's cousin David were standing in the doorway but they didn't try coming in.

"We were just having a pillow fight and it got out of hand, that's all."

"David take Cale to his room and do something about this door." Mr. Knight said as he stepped off the door, David picked it up easy and kinda leaned it against the doorway then left with Cale.

"Can you stand up on your own Minnow or do you need some help. We need to take a look at your head wound."

"What," Jamie and I said together.

"Your bleeding,"

"No I'm not, I'm fine it's just a little bump."

"Well when I smell blood it usually means someones bleeding. Come." He said picking me up off the floor and sitting me on my bed, for a old man Mr. Knight was very handsome in a roughed sort of way and I don't know anyone beside his son David to have a better body, they kept in incredible shape. "Can I look at your head Minnow?"

"I'm sure it's nothing," I said as I reached back to feel, and sure enough a big goose eggs had formed and my hair was soaked in wetness and the sting of pain made me pull my hand back quickly.

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