Chapter Six

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After my mom settled in and wasn't threatening any more werwolves and we were told about our flights out tomorrow afternoon and my mom was happy that there was a rental car waiting for us at National rent a car at the Boston airport and was pleased is was a Audi. Jamie showed my mom to her room for the night, she wanted to turn in so she kissed me goodnight before she left and thanked Marco again for letting us stay here and for keeping me safe.

Jamie was putting her across the hall from us, giving her David's room as they moved all the males that aren't mated to the gymnasium in the basement for the night. There were a lot of grumbles about there sleeping arrangements before they all went to do their own thing before lock down at one in the morning but most of the males who live here would never think of going back on the Alpha orders so the lock down was pointless in my opinion.

Well except for one and he was staring at me, him I wouldn't mind being locked up for the night as he seemed to be the only one paying attention to me now. So I sat and waited for Jamie to come back we seriously needed to talk, I couldn't have my best friend mad at me.

Jamie came back into the kitchen a few minutes later and I was grateful as my skin was crawling from all the attention my back was getting from the laughing hyaena. "You okay Minnow I can almost smell you over the dr.. your new perfume."

I wanted to ignore Jamie's comment because it would mean that what's his face is getting to me but when David sniffed the air and looked at me, I groaned. "I think I need some fresh air Jamie you want to go for a walk with me."

Jamie was just about to open her mouth when her uncle spoke instead. "Sorry Minnow I need Jamie here with me for a few minutes to discuss her eighteenth birthday as I've had a few suiters put in offers."

"Ah, okay maybe I'll go see how my mom is settling in."

"Don't bother when I left her she said she was going out for a bit for a bite to eat, don't no why we have lots of food here."

When the three of us stared at her all she could say was, "oh," blushed and turned to David and her uncles conversation. I wanted to get up and leave but I didn't want to have to look at tall dark and gorgeous, yeah he's annoying but like the rest of the males around here he was mouth watering but I would never say it out loud even to Jamie. He had dark brown hair the color of deep mahogany stunning green eyes a girl could get lost in and lips that should be on a girl they were so plump.

"Minnow you should go for a walk your spiking to the point that I am starting to get uncomfortable and the other two men must be more so."

"What sorry Mr. Knight did I say something I mean did you say something." Now everyone in the room looked at me I blushed.

"I think you need to go outside and clear your head."

My dryer sheets must be wearing off because David started to look uncomfortable, I smiled at Jamie who was looking at me then turned back to her uncle and David. "I think your right," I said getting up from my chair, "You coming Jamie I wanted to talk to you."

"Sorry Minnow I still need to talk to her, Jack will show you the grounds as I don't want you outside by your self."

"Who's Jack?"

"I am," said the dark and delicious voice from behind me which made my tummy tighten and to make it worse he breathed those two words in my ear blowing the strands of hair that had fallen out of my pony tale across my face and I almost peed my pants and I didn't even have to go to the bathroom.

"You know what I think I'm good I'll just go up to Jamie's room."

"I'm going to have to insist you go outside Minnow with all the males not yet sequestered in the basement and the rate your pumping out your scent they won't be away from there for long."

VAMPIRE'S DRAGONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora