Chapter Nineteen

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The water was scorching on my hypersensitive skin, but it was better then being trapping in my room with my mom who wanted to talk. I went to the shower right away, all I wanted to do was wash what Cable and I had did off my body. I had cried myself out the first twenty minutes I was in the shower, the second twenty minutes I spent cleaning myself. I shut the water off but didn't leave the shower stall unil I was shivering and cold.

When I did leave my mom was waiting outside the door holding a fluffy towel with her arms spread wide for me to step into.

"I'm sorry." I said. My mom sighed but said nothing as she wrapped a towel around me. She dropped her hands from my body and stepped back looking at me.

"I was so scared when you were going through the change. Everything I had ever hoped for you died on that bed, I didn't know if you were going to make it. It was taking so long and you were wreathing in pain. When you woke I was so happy, you had changed but I could tell you weren't fully one of us. Now that I see that you had sex and your maidenhood has been broken, I am right. I have a flicker of hope in my heart that you might be able to have a normal life, if you choose."

"Maidenhead." I asked raising a eyebrow in question, ignoring the part of a normal life. Like that would ever be possible for me now.

"I know that's old fashion but I don't know what would sound better coming out of your mothers mouth. It's awkward."

"Awkward, is one word for what I'm feeling." I stepped out of her arms and moved to the toilet and sat down. "Can I be by myself for this mom."

"Sure, of course. I put some clean clothes on the counter, I think there is stuff for periods under the counter." My mom stood staring at me, it was bad enough that she knows I just had sex, I didn't need to put a tampon inside of me with her watching.

"I got this mom, thanks." When she didn't move right away, I couldn't help myself. "Get out." I shouted but in a softer voice I added. "Please." She didn't say anymore, and left the bathroom closing the door after her.

I sank down into myself or as much as you can sitting on a toilet, I sighed looked in the cupboard beside the toilet grabbed the box of tampon. I took one out then screamed at the top of my lungs and chucked the box at the door. My mom knocked on the bathroom door at my outburst but I told her I was fine and thankfully she didn't come in. I stared at the tampon I still had in my hand feeling sorry for myself.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. I hadn't changed in appearance but I did feel different, I felt stronger. In fact I did change, not in my facial appearance but my bodies, it was lean and muscular at the same time. Gone was my soft curves and in its place was hard lines and muscle. At least I'm as skinny as Jamie now, the thought of my best friend brought tears to my eyes. God, I wish you were here, to bad you were a wolf or else you could have come with me.

Wolf, just the thought of a wolf reminded me of Jack and tears sprang to my eyes, stupid Dragon why did you get yourself killed. I looked at my ear and folded it in half, the mark was gone as I knew it would be. I sighed and released my ear, why did you get him killed Minnow? When my reflection didn't answer me I turned and left the bathroom.

My mom was waiting for me, she was sitting on my bed with her hands in her lap. "Would you like like to talk about what happened between you and Cable." She didn't look up at me when she asked.

"No," On what planet would a teenage girl talk to her mom about losing her virginity. A better daughter then me i suppose. "I just want to talk to dad. Does he know?" My voice sounded weak and scared.

My mom looked at me then. "No, I was afraid he would kill Cable."

"Do we have to tell him? Can't we just say I got my period."

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