Chapter Twenty One

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I had screamed, until I could scream no longer. 

My fists hit the window until my hands were swollen and bleeding but nothing I did made Cable  flinch. 

That was hours ago, now I sat numb. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be alone, my family was always with me until now. I stared blankly out the widow with my swollen knuckles resting in my lap. Tears no longer ran down my cheeks, everything about me now was spent. I had no energy to cry, scream, sleep or even yell at Cable anymore.

More hours passed but I still couldn't move, I sat like a zombie staring at the back of the chair in front of me. Jack moved beside, I laid a hand on his back and petted his soft scales. I looked down at him and watched as his scales changed colours where my hands touched his cool scales but not even his beauty could pull me out of my dispair.  Blackness surrounded the car and seemed to engulf me and I finally found enough strength to scream at the top of my lungs.

I didn't scream any words, my scream was full of sorrow and darkness but this didn't affect Cable at all, he didn't say anything or even move his cold hearted body. 

"We are here?" Cable said not showing any emotion to my loud outburst.

"Where's here exactly?" I spat at him, the venom in my voice was evident but he didn't comment.

"Where we will be staying for awhile."

"I'm not going to stay anywhere with you."

"Thought you would say that." He said as he threw something at me. I flinched.

I was shocked when a cell phone hit me in the chest. "What's this for?"

"Someone wants to talk to you."

I eyed him suspiciously as I brought the phone to my ear. "Minnow is that you baby?"

"Mom." I whispered.

"Yes baby,"

"You're alive?"

"No time to talk honey, just go with Cable and when we have taken care of everything we will come for you."

"No way," I eyed the back of Cable's head,"I'm coming back home."

"There is no Home to come back too, your brother is out of control and your father can't have another thing put on his plate right now sweety. Your life is too important. I must go, we have spoken to long already. I love you."

I knew she was right but I needed them right now. "I love you too." I said as she hung up. Tears started to slide down my cheeks. The phone went dead but I sat with it to my ear hoping she would come back. I finally closed it when my door opened and a hand reached in for me to take. I dropped the cell phone in it then pushed it away. 

"I don't want your help."

He didn't say anything as he turned and left. I climbed out and eyed the cabin that Cable just opened the door to. I felt the heavy weight of Jack climb up my back and perch on my shoulder. His tail curled around my neck and he purred into my ear.

"Please don't leave me Jack you are all I have right now." I felt the dragons eyes on me but I couldn't look at him yet. Sleeping with Cable put a stop to that. 

A cold wind came up and snow began to fall, I closed the car door and walked up to the door. I turned and looked out over the snow covered mountain range and I had a feeling it was going to be a long cold winter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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