Chapter Seventeen

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I went straight into the shower to wash, being careful of my burnt skin. When I got out I could only pat my skin dry gently. I got dressed bushed the tangles out of my hair and put it in a messy bun then went down stairs to meet Zen so I can get my retinal scan and maybe try and talk nicely to my brother. I searched for my cell phone and found it in my purse and checked to see if Jamie had texted me and she did, she said everything has calmed down a lot since I left. She was excited that she has gotten several offers for marriage and she was very excited about two of them. She gets to date all her suiters and gets to pick who she wants, instead of the ways of the past where the alpha made the match and everyone had to live with it. I checked to see if Jack had texted and he hadn't so I put the phone in the waist band of my yoga shorts and went in search of the gym.

I followed Zen's directions and found the door to the gym without any problem, I was surprised when I had to go down two flights of stairs to access the gym. The gym itself was huge, there was a boxing ring, a section for weights, several rows of treadmills and stationary bikes. Surrounding the entire room was a track with three lanes to run laps. The room seemed empty until Cale ran past me without looking or saying anything to me, I ran to catch up and slowed down to keep pace with him.I jogged beside him for ten minutes without either one of us saying anything to each other.

"I don't understand why you hate me so much. Yeah, sure I tease you but not bad enough for you to hate me."I didn't know what to say to him, did I hate him technically no but he did drive me crazy.

"I never said I hated you."

"Maybe not to my face or in front of mom or dad but the things you say, say it for you." I looked at my brother as we ran side by side and tried to figure out why he bothered me so much. He was really good looking with his blonde hair and blue eyes and a body that proved he has been an athlete all his life. I thought that maybe it was the fact he got good grades without even trying but it wasn't that either and I sighed and he turned his head and looked down at me, there was the answer, it was the look in his eyes.

I stopped running and stood there, Cale ran for a couple more strides but stopped when he noticed that I wasn't going to start again.

"Why did you stop?" He asked and started jogging on the spot.

"I don't hate you,"

"Good to know."

"I just get so mad when you look at me all, I don't know like you do." He gave me the look again.

"See that look there." I pointed to his face as I said it.

"It's not a bad look Minnow, it's just me trying to figure you out." I couldn't respond as Zen came running into the room yelling loudly.

"Cale get your sister to the safe room, now?" He yelled as he started punching numbers into a conrol panel by the door.

"What's going on?" Cale and I asked at the same time as I followed Cale towards a doorway.

"We are under attack by Skyler's men," he turned to face us. "Cale lock yourself and your sister in that safe room, now."

I was so shocked that Cale had to pull me along behind him until we got to the door of the safe room, he used his eyes to get us in and after we passed over the threshold the light flickered on and the door sealed behind us. The room was the size of my parents old master bedroom about fourteen by sixteen with a couch and chair, a small galley style kitchen, several rollaway cots folded up against one wall and a door that I presumed led into the bathroom.

Cale and I both stood by the door not knowing what to do and all you could hear was our heavy breathing, I finally went over to the couch and sat then looked up at Cale.

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