Chapter Two

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I woke up very tired the next morning feeling exhausted, I tossed an turned most of the night. If I wasn't tossing and turning I was dreaming of monsters, one's with big fangs who were coming to eat me.

I sat up feeling scared from my nightmare and hoped that the events of yesterday were just a bad dream. There was no way my family could be vampires. They are just to normal. I threw back the covers and saw my rumpled clothes, I cringed.

I got up and headed straight for the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror, mascara was streaked down my cheeks and I looked like a rabid raccoon. Even my hair fit that image as my curls were all matted in a clump on the side of my head. I just knew that the slobber that runs out of everyones mouth when they sleep was the cause of the crunchiness. A shower was definitely in order, so I stripped off my slept in clothes and climbed into the shower.

The water was hot and it felt nice as I relaxed under the hot spray, I was starting to feel normal. I wanted to forget about everything that I found out yesterday and with therapy I might. I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door but decided to ignored it, it was the hundredth time someone knocked on my door trying to talk to me, since I locked myself in my bedroom. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, especially someone that was related to me.

I did talk to my dad last night when I snuck down stairs to make a sandwich, I thought everyone was sleeping but my dad had waited up for me. He thought we needed to talk and cornered me in the kitchen, just as i took my first bite of my turkey sandwich.

We talked for awhile and I found out some interesting things such as myself and my brother, like the fact that my brother and I are the only children to be born to a vampire couple, ever. Apparently, it is impossible for a woman's body to carry a child after she has been changed. In the cases that a human woman was impregnated by a vampire, my dad said it was a unpleasant scenario, which he didn't want to talk about.

When my dad first met my mother she had told him she wanted children, more then anything. My dad said that he loved her so much that he couldn't take that away from her, so he secretly developed a way for my mother to have a child with him. He said something about freezing her eggs, then developing medications for her to take that would let her body carry the pregnancy after her change.

He said it was the hardest thing he had to develop, he had such a limited amount of time before he had to change her. At the time there was another vampire interested in my mother that vampires father was a very powerful. Once it was complete my father turned my mother and they went into hiding.

Tears sprang to my eyes for the millionth time in the last fifteen hours just thinking about my conversation my dad and I had last night. I had many more questions and needed more information but I also needed time to digest what my parents had told me first. I knew that couldn't happen around any of my family so I was happy that I had made plans with Jamie. We were going to go to the mall this morning.

I quickly finished in the shower toweled off and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes that were so much like my dads stared back at me. The Caribbean blue looked greyer today, because my eyes were red and puffy. I quickly tried to fix my face but decided that make up would make me look like a hopped up clown, so I went with lip gloss and mascara.

I combed out my wet hair and put it in a high pony tail, because leaving it down wasn't an option. I had my mom blonde curly hair and the humidity would make it grow to unappealing heights. When I was done with my hair I dressed in a hot pink tank top, white jean shorts that my dad wouldn't approve of and a pair of white sling back wedge sandals. I grabbed my purse off my night stand looked at myself in my full length mirror for one final look, but turned away quickly, I looked like I went out binge drinking last night.

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