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You avoided eye contact with Fred as he tried talking to you, his hand still holding your wrist.

"Y/n listen. We need to sort things out." You had stopped your tears almost immediately and wiped them away swiftly. You couldn't let him see your tears.

"Why? What is there to sort out?" You questioned as you looked at him for the first time in a week. His hair was ruffled, and he looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in a while.

"I don't like being mad at you. And I don't like it when you're mad at me. I know I shouldn't have yelled at you. I never want to raise my voice at you again. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." His eyes pleaded you, and you saw his eyes looking slightly watered. You felt guilty for being upset with him.

"I don't like being mad at you either. And I know Malfoy hasn't been nice to you or your family at all. Though I'm still going to the hall with him. I forgive you. And I'm sorry too." His eyes flashed with an upset expression slightly, but you smiled weakly at him, and he returned the smile.

He pulled you into a hug, and you hugged him as well.

"Have you even got a dress yet?" Fred asked when you pulled away. You looked down and laughed, giving him his answer.

"That's okay. I haven't got dress robes yet either." He laughed and you two made your way into the common room.

"We should go to Hogsmeade tomorrow for them. And George should come." You said as you sat on the couch. Fred sat on the other side of it and you placed your feet in his lap like old times.

You two sat and talked about what had been going on recently. You both avoided talking about your hall dates.

Later, George and Angelina came into the room and Angelina was furious.

"Fred! There you a- what are you doing?" She asked rather angrily as she saw your feet in Fred's lap. You smiled.

"Just catching up with a friend." Fred said as Angelina made her way to the front of the couch.

She looked at you and coughed, then nodded to your feet.

You rolled your eyes and moved them so that they were sitting next to Fred's leg. Angelina was upset, but she sat on your feet as close to Fred as she could.

"So y/n, who's your date to the ball?" Angelina asked batting her eyelashes as George took a seat in the one person seat next to your side of the couch.

"I'm going with Malfoy." You said casually. You heard George gasp from beside you.

"He actually asked you?" George asked leaning over to you. You nodded. "Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe he wanted to go to the ball with me?" You suggested sarcastically.

"But... but he's Malfoy. How could you say yes?" George looked at Fred, and Fred stared into the fireplace.

"He's the only who asked me. I figured no one else would. And he's nice once you get to know him." You shrugged your shoulders and George leaned back in his chair.

You heard Angelina chuckle.

"Of course you'd have to stoop as low as Malfoy to get a date. You know, you're kind of a traitor." She looked at you and you felt yourself become angry. You opened your mouth to say something, but Fred beat you to it.

"That's quite rude. I'd have taken her myself if you hadn't been begging me." Fred said and Angelina whipped around to look at him. He looked at you and winked. Your heart jumped, but you tried not to get too excited. He was probably just playing Angelina.

"I was not begging you. Just simply asking you." You tried not to laugh as you remembered the morning you'd seen her. You knew she was begging.

"Same thing. Doesn't matter anyways." Fred shrugged and Angelina let out a rushed sigh and stood.

"Whatever. See you later Freddie." She looked at him and blew a kiss. He nodded and looked away, making Angelina run up the stairs to the dorm.

"Would you really have asked me?" You asked looking at Fred. He chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it." He avoided your eyes and looked into the fireplace again.

"Wait, so we're not going to discuss the fact that your going to the hall with Draco Malfoy?" George said as he sat in between you and Fred.

"We can. But there's not much to know. He just asked me. So I said I would go." George nodded as you said this.

"Fair. I guess. But now who will I go with?" George asked. You nudged his shoulder.

"What? We're you planning to go with me? Just ask Alicia. Or Katie. They're really sweet." You smiled at him as he considered his options.

"Yeah. Good idea. I think I'll ask Katie." He looked to Fred who nodded. He looked to you next, and you nodded as well.

"Oh! That reminds me! Y/n needs a dress and we need dress robes. We're going to Hogsmeade tomorrow if you want to come too."Fred said. George jumped up and nodded. You laughed and watched George jump around excitedly. You and Fred joined him, making as much noise as you could.

The rest of the Gryffindors came to the common room later. They all went to bed almost immediately, but you and the twins stayed up until late in the night.

"What is all of the commotion?" Asked a tired looking Hermione. You and the twins had been playing wizard chess, and Fred was losing horribly to you. He was yelling and laughing loudly, but stopped when Hermione came down.

"Sorry Hermione. Fred's just a sore loser." You smiled and stuck your tongue out at him. He made a teasing face.

"Oh. Well please quite down. We're trying to sleep." Hermione turned to go back up the stairs but you stopped her.

"Hey wait up!" You said goodnight to the boys and left them downstairs alone.


"I'm going to Hogsmeade tomorrow to get a dress with the twins. They're getting men's dress robes obviously. Do you want to come with me?" She smiled at you and nodded, saying she didn't have a dress either.

You had made plans to go after breakfast tomorrow with the twins and you told Hermione the plan too. She said it would work, and you both went to your rooms.

You stayed up with Katie for a bit, telling her about what kind of dress you wanted.

After being shushed by Angelina for a thousandth time, you made your way to your bed.

For once, you were excited for tomorrow. Excited for the day to come.

Hey everyone!
I'm trying to find some pictures of dresses. If I can't find any I just won't put up the picture. I'm sure you can imagine what dress you would want to wear anyways.
Thank you!!

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