A Second Time

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You had gone to bed late that night, seeing as how you were up with the twins later than you'd expected.

When you woke the next morning, you got dressed and headed to the great hall.

It was the day of the second task for the Triwizard tournament.

The twins met you in the hall, immediately starting their eating contest.

George won, meaning you got 10 galleons from Dean.

"Thank you very much." You said, shaking the coins in your hand.

"Oh shove off." He said, walking away.

"Whatcha got there?" Fred asked from behind you. You turned to him and held your hand behind your back, keeping the money out of his sight.

"Nothing." You said, making Fred throw his head back in laughter.

"Yeah right! Lemme see!" He demanded, grabbing your arm from behind your back and prying it open.

He smiled and took five of the coins, leaving you with the other five.

"Seems fair to me, seeing as how I lost to George for you. You're lucky I was this generous." He said with a stupidly contagious grin.

"Oi! Come on, let's get going!" George called to you two as Fred slipped the coins into his pocket.

"Yeah! Coming!" Fred said to George, who was waiting by the door.

Fred then turned to you, smiling down at you. His gaze rested somewhere between your lips and your eyes, never choosing where to linger.

You blushed and brushed past him, bumping his shoulder as you walked past.

You caught up with George and walked out of the doors, following the path that would lead you and the crowd of students to the black lake. Fred came running up moments later.

As you reached nearer to the lake, Fred and George got out boxes and began taking bets for the task.

They were yelling to anyone who passed, causing Ginny to tell them not to be so mean. Though they didn't listen.

"Have you see Hermione? Hermione or Ron?" A worried Harry was running through the crowd asking everyone.

"Hey Harry. Are you alright?" You asked as he came closer to you. He looked around, fear plastered on his face.

"Uh... no. I can't seem to find Hermione or Ron." He said. You smiled.

"I'm sure they're down there waiting for the task to start. You know how punctual Hermione is you said, making Harry calm down a bit.

"You're right. Thanks." He said, running off.

You followed the twins into the stands, helping them collect more bets.

You waited eagerly as Cornelius Fudge said something about how much time the champions get to complete the task. Once he finishes, the contestants jump into the water. All but one.

Harry stood, struggling as if he was choking, then was pushed into the water by Professor Moody.

"He hasn't come up yet." George whispered. At that moment, Neville began talking of how he's 'killed Harry Potter'.

Mere seconds later, Harry burst from the water with fins and gills.

Everyone roared and cheered for Harry as he dove back into the water.

Now it was just a waiting game.

We stood around, waiting and waiting.

You looked around for a familiar face, but saw the one face you would want to see last.

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