Just walking

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The evening before the ball had come all too soon.

You were sitting at the Gryffindor table with the rest of the students, minus Fred and George, waiting for the food to appear.

"Where's my Freddie?" Angelina asked from across the table, making you roll your eyes.

"George is missing too. And I don't know." You turned your attention to a book you had, ignoring Angelina's annoyed sigh.

The twins came running up to the table only seconds later, diffusing the tension between you and Angelina.(see what i did there;))

"Well where were you two?" You asked giving them the same grin they were giving you.

"Just pranking filch. That astronomy tower is good for something." George said, sharing a look with his brother.

"Well I hope you were safe Freddie." Angelina said, latching onto Fred's had, pulling him to sit next to her.

Bored, you looked across the table at Draco. He seemed to be in a conversation with one of his classmates, but stopped a second as his eyes met yours. He waved at you and you waved back.

Fred spotted your motion and turned to see who the wave was directed towards. Seeing Draco he turned back around and stared into his plate, an empty expression plastered on his face.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" George asked, not necessarily directed towards anyone.

"I know we are." Angelina exclaimed, holding Fred's arm tightly. Fred looked up and shrugged, making Angelina look at him in a mixture of disgust and confusion.

"Yes. In a way. You?" You asked quickly before Angelina had a chance to say anything.

"Yes. I finally got the nerve to ask Katie and she said she'd go with me." George said excitedly and you congratulated him.

"Nice one George. She's sweet." Fred said as he removed his arm from Angelina's grasp.

"Well yeah. She's okay." Angelina said.

You tuned out the rest of the conversation, absentmindedly looking around the room, admiring the ceiling.

"Evening miss." Draco said from behind you, knocking you out of your daze.

"Oh, hello. Sorry I was distracted." You said smiling at Draco.

"What are you doing here?" George asked, giving Draco a mean look.

"Just here to talk to y/n." Draco said offering me his arm. You stood and took it.

"I'll be back everyone." You waved at them, getting waved back from everyone except for Fred.

You and Draco walked out of the great hall and into a hallway. You seemed to be walking aimlessly, but there was a silent agreement between the two of you that took you in the direction towards the astronomy tower.

"After you." Draco said as he gestured towards the stairs. You laughed a little and thanked him.

Once you made it up you saw that the sun was nearly gone, making a beautiful mixture of red, purple and blue.

"Did you get your dress?" Draco asked standing by the balcony.

"Yes I did. Just in time too." You smiled and looked up through the large skylight above you.

"So... what does it look like?" He asked, drawing out 'o' in 'so'.

"Nope. You don't get to know. It'll be a surprise." You said going to stand next to him, looking at the earths below.

I'll Love You Forever (Fred Weasley X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें