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"Do you love me?" He asked, staring into your eyes.

What were you to say?

You hesitated, searching for some kind of sign. Naturally, you searched Fred's face for a sign. You searched his features, his twinkling eyes. You searched his lips that formed a slight smirk.

Most importantly, you we're looking into your memory.

Searching, more to say.

Searching every memory you had of you and Fred.

You searched through your first encounter, remembering how he'd laughed when you said you were lost. Remembering how he'd helped you get to your next class. Or when he became your first friend, George following.

You searched through the memory you had of the first prank you pulled with him. He'd told you of the plot, asking if you'd wanted to join in, a clear yes.

He told you that it would be dangerous, and that you'd get in trouble.

He'd asked you four times if you were sure you wanted to help, always clearing up the fact that you didn't have to. You'd protested in every way, running ahead of him to prank the first year just as he'd planned.

You searched through your memory of the first time you were alone with him. Him and George suggested you going home for Christmas with them. They'd led you to their room, plopping your bag on their couch. Fred had been smiling like an idiot that whole week, not even Percy could make him frown. That second night, George had gone off to his mom, leaving you with Fred.

Fred talked nonstop, always playfully pushing your arm. He'd been imitating your least favorite teacher, or trying to find some other way to make you laugh. Whichever way he tried, he always succeeded.

You searched through your first quidditch lesson from him, only your second year.

He'd tried telling you to stay down. To watch him, and practice hovering before you tried playing a game while on the broom. He'd sat on your broom with you the first time you took off from the ground, his hands around you holding the broom.

When he released the first bludger, he wouldn't even let you into the field. He told you to stay in the stands and watch him block and dodge it.

He'd been caring and protective, like a brother then.

You searched through the first time you'd hugged him, and only him. Up until that day in your third year, you'd always done group hugs with him and George, occasionally adding in Lee.

But that day, Fred was worried. He was worried of his family, knowing that they struggled to get schools supplies that year, and that it probably had set them back on groceries.

He'd actually begun to cry sitting next to you, trying to sniff it back up.

Through his act of being a composed pea king mastermind, he'd let his guard down for you. He'd let you see the real Fred. And you cared for him.

You liked him more when he was himself, not trying to be funny, or be a prankster, or a cool kid. When he was himself.

So that night when he'd let his guard down, what else could you have done?

On instinct you'd wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close so he was nearly in your lap.

You'd told him it was okay, and that he didn't need to worry, and that his parents loved him enough that they'd give up anything. You'd held his head as he cried into your shoulder, muttering that he was sorry, nearly bringing you to tears.

You searched through your fourth year memories, realizing that that was the year you'd begun to get to know him.

You and Fred would take walks all the time that year, sarcastically prancing about down the halls.

He'd always purposefully shove into you, then laugh, saying a lousy excuse of a sorry.

Fifth year was different. Fifth year was awkward.

Fred had started hanging out with George and Lee more, constantly running off with them.

If you did hang out with him, it was always in the group.

The last day of school that year, George had gotten up to use the bathroom on the train ride back to the station. Lee had chosen a compartment elsewhere, leaving you with Fred.

"Strange year." You'd mumbled, earning a nod from Fred, who looked out the window with a clenched jaw.

After a moment of silence, you'd said something more, realizing he wouldn't have.

"Seriously though, what happened between us?" You'd asked. Fred had turned to you with glassy eyes. "Fred? Please don't cry."

"I'm sorry. I don't know why i was like that to you. You didn't deserve it and I just thought... well I thought you didn't want to hang out with me. I thought I was forcing you to be around me. So when I stopped hanging out with you and you didn't ask about it, I assumed you grew tired of me." He'd said, making hand motions and trying not to let his tears fall.

You'd told him never to doubt himself. You'd even admitted that you'd rather be around him than with George and Lee.

You'd made him smile, then each of you made promises not to ignore each other.

You'd even made promises to always be there for each other, always ready to take the blame.

You searched through your sixth year.

This year.

So many more moments flashed through your brain.

When you saw him for the first time all summer, him bursting through the door and immediately hugging you tightly, bringing you off of your feet. When you gazed into his eyes for the first time all summer, your body tingling where he hugged you.

When you'd danced with him your first night at the burrow that summer. He'd taken your hand and slowly swayed with you, letting you get comfortable in his arms.

Every time you'd caught him side glancing at you. Every time he laughed and lit up the night sky with his joyous personality. Every time he'd taken your hand to run down the halls.

You remembered the instant when he'd comforted you after an encounter with Sergey.

He'd allowed you to cry into his shoulder while he held you standing in the hallway.

You searched the rich memory of dancing with him at the ball. He'd slowly twirled and dipped you carefully, as if he'd been afraid of hurting you.

You knew he could never hurt you. Even if he would choose to reject you.

So, as the words formed inside your mouth, your voice taking them away and to Fred's ears, you smiled.

You weren't afraid of what he'd say.

Tears almost formed in your eyes at the thought of every wonderful memory and moment you had to treasure for the rest of your life.

You let your words pierce through the silence. You'd said it with so much assurance you'd surprised even yourself.

"Yes Fred. I do love you."


I really enjoyed writing this chapter!

I hope you enjoy reading it!

Sorry for any errors, it's also unedited.

Thank you for reading!!


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