One Day Was Enough

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"Morning y/n." Draco said, sliding into place next to you.

"Morning Draco." You replied, avoiding eye contact.

There was a moment of silence.

"Look, about the other night..." Draco started then seemed to trail off.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't spend too much time with you." You said, locking eyes with Draco. He smiled.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have left you for Pansy. Thinking back, it was just plain disrespectful." He looked down, blushing a bit.

"Oh no. It's completely fine. I guess we both just had eyes for someone else." You smiled, Draco meeting your gaze.

"Yeah. How'd it go with the Weasle?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow. You sighed.

"Don't even get me started." You said. Draco looked at you questioningly, but the professor had entered the room with that moment. "After class." You whispered, Draco nodding.

The class seemed to go by slower than usual, your professor dragging on and rambling about useless things.

As soon as they dismissed you, you nudged Draco's elbow and nodded out of the class. You each stood and he followed you out of the class.

You began walking to the courtyard and you started to fill him in on the events of the last few days, leaving out the chunk about Sergey.

"That's insane y/n. Why would George do that to you?" He asked, sounding as annoyed as you felt. You only shrugged.

"How am I to know?" You said, making Draco lean forward, his head resting on his hand.

"So what are you doing to do?" He asked, looking at me. I shrugged again.

"I'll probably just forgive him. I mean, I can't stay mad at George." Draco shrugged this time.

"Yeah. Makes sense. Especially since you've been friends with them for so long." He said. You smiled, thinking back on all of your good memories with the twins.

"Well thank you for listening. There's just been so much going on." You said and smiled at Draco.

"Of course y/n, any time." Draco said. You leaned in a hugged him.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to intervene here, but I do believe that is my girlfriend." You heard Sergei's voice from behind you and immediately pulled away from Draco, standing.

"Girlfriend? Oh um, I'm sorry. I had no idea." Draco said, standing and blushing as Sergei put an arm around you.

"Yes. Well it is new news." Sergei said narrowing his eyes at Draco.

"Let's go." You said, pulling Sergei away before he did anything to Draco.

He then stopped you in the hallway, pulling you back to him.

"What did he say to you?" Sergei asked, making you roll your eyes.

"Nothing. We were just talking about our next assignment in class." You lord. Sergei looked you up and down.

"And you need to hug him for that?" He asked skeptically. You hesitated.

"In truth... Draco was having troubles with his father. He just needed someone to talk to." You said. Sergei looked at you a moment longer before letting his guard down.

"Yes. Seems quite right. On we go. You have to get to class." Sergei said, taking your hand and rushing you towards your next class.

This time, it was your turn to stop him in the hallway.

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