He's going with Her.

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"Y/n? Are you okay?" You heard Hermione as she offered you a hand to help you up.

"Um... I... yes. I'll be fine." You wiped at your tears and got them to stop. Hermione took one look at you and pulled you into a hug.

"You don't look okay. How about you get changed and we can go to breakfast, alright? You can talk to me then." She smiled at you sweetly and you nodded, returning the smile.

You changed as quickly as you could, not wanting to collide with anyone else.

Angelina looked at you smugly as you went to change in the bathroom.

Hermione met you at the bottom of the stairs.

"Now I'll probably have to calm Harry down before the match, but my attention is all yours until then." She smiled as you two began walking to the Great Hall.

You two were early, so there weren't many people at the tables.

You caught a glance of the Slytherin table and saw Draco. He was sitting alone reading a book. He looked up as you walked past and you saw him smile before he looked back down at his book.

You sat next to Hermione and she turned to you.

"So, what happened?"

You told her the whole story, but kept the names to yourself. She listened intently, nodding her head.

"So who was on the couch with Fred?" Hermione asked, slightly smugly.

"What? I didn't tell you any names." You crossed your arms and she laughed a little.

"Oh it's obvious y/n. I see the way you look at him." You frowned as she said this, feeling your face grow hot.

"Well since you've already figured it out, he was with Angelina." You rolled your eyes and Hermione's grew wide.

"Oh she's always had it out for him. She looks at you angrily all of th-" Her sentence was cut short.

"Hermione! I'm freaking out! Calm me down!" Harry was approaching the table yelling for her. Hermione shared a look with you and waved for him to sit on her other side.

"Sorry y/n. I'm needed elsewhere." She chuckled as Harry sat down and she started sharing tips with him for his match.

You placed food on your plate and started eating. You were completely content, that is until someone slid into the seat next to you.

"Morning." George's grumpy voice made you laugh a little. He looked at you and frowned exaggeratedly.

You made small talk with George as the Great Hall began filling with eager students. George didn't mention what happened with you and Fred, and you assumed he didn't know. You didn't bring it up either.

Fred walked in near the end of breakfast looking confused and disturbed. He sat across from you and you looked down, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Morning brother." George mumbled. Fred grunted in response and you could feel his gaze on you.

"What's got your knickers in a wad?" George looked at his brother intently and you knew he was slightly irritated by Fred.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He finally looked away from you and put a few pieces of toast on his plate. George looked between you and Fred and dropped the subject.

"I'm going to go sit with Hermione." You said as you and the twins were walking with the crowd to the field.

"Okay y/n. See you later!" George called as you walked off. Fred said nothing, but you knew he was watching you as you were getting farther away from him.

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