Christmas Day

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You woke to the brightness coming from outside.

Because of the snow the night before, the sunlight reflected off the ground, and into every window it could reach.

You slowly got up and got dressed, making your way down the steps to the common room.

"Merry Christmas y/n!" Fred and George yelled, running to you and hugging you.

"What?! Oh I'm such an idiot! I completely forgot that it was Christmas!" You said, smacking your head. The boys laughed at you and you ran back upstairs to get their presents. You'd gotten them the same day you got your dress for the ball.

"Merry Christmas!" You said, handing the gifts to them.

"Thanks!" They said simultaneously. They each took one of your arms and led you around the corner and into the large section of the common room.

There was a tree, as tall as the ceiling, decked from head to toe in lights. At the top was an angel that held two miniature lights, making it look as though it's hands were glowing.

"Oh my goodness! Did you guys do this?" You asked, turning to them. They both grinned and nodded, pushing you closer to the tree.

You gasped as you studied the ornaments and seeing that most of the ornaments were small pictures of you with the twins.

A few were objects you'd helped create, or small chachkies from special moments of your childhood.

"Fred! George! This is amazing!" You exclaimed, your eyes brimming with tears.

"It's nothing really." George said.

"The tricky part was getting it in the room." Fred said, making you laugh.

You hugged them both tightly and went back to looking at the rest of the ornaments. Though there was one specific one that caught your eye.

In a tiny, golden frame, we're two pictures of you and Fred.

The first picture was from the summer after your first year. The twins had brought you to The Burrow for the first time. You and the twins had been dancing around as Mr. Weasley was trying out a muggle instrument.

In the picture, you and Fred had your arms around each other's shoulders, making a two-person kick line. You watched as the picture moved and you watched you and Fred's younger selves kick in the air.

The second picture was from the ball just the night before. (You assumed George took this one.) You watched as Fred twirled and dipped you. You didn't even realize it would look so graceful. You saw your own head fall upside down and saw yourself stick your tongue out.

You were in a trans, studying the small pictures. The twins coughed from behind you, and as you turned around you saw that they were holding a rather large gift.

"Boys, you didn't have to get me anything. This tree is enough on its own." You said, gesturing at it. They both looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Open it." Said George. You laughed and sat down. They put the gift in your lap and got their own gifts.

You opened it and immediately saw the sweater with your first inicial embroidered on the it. You picked it up and put it on, feeling warm.

"Mum sent that for you yesterday." Fred said, smiling at you.

"Does it fit? She was skeptical about it." George asked and you nodded.

"It's perfect!"

You looked in the box and saw a layer of sweets from Honeydukes at the bottom.

"Thank you so much! You guys always know my favorite." You hugged them and ushered them to open their gifts.

You'd gotten them each their favorite candies and some jokes from Zonko's. You had also gotten them each a muggle item you knew they loved.

For George, you had gotten a comic book. He opened it and jumped up, hugging the book closely to his chest.

"I love it! I love it! I love it! Thank you Y/n!" He said crushing you in a hug.

"I know you do. Now go on Fred." You laughed.

He opened it carefully and saw the muggle radio you'd wrapped. It was the same one you'd brought to the burrow that summer. He smiled and pulled it out, turning the nobs that started it.

"I love it! Thank you!" He said, putting it beside him before hugging you.

"I'm glad. Merry Christmas you two." You said. They both chorused a 'Merry Christmas' back.

You spent the rest of the day with them, eating sweets and reeking havoc.

You'd exploded Snape's class with green and red glitter, and were given detention once the Christmas break was over.

"Well that was fun." George said, ruffling glitter out of his hair.

"Yes indeed. Except that now we have detention for the rest of our lives." You said, making Fred laugh.

"Two weeks is nothing." He and George draped their arms over your shoulders, and you wrapped your arms around their waists. You three walked back to the common room.

Once night had come around, George claimed he was tired, and headed off to bed, leaving you with Fred.

"You know, this is my favorite one." You said, pointing to the ornament picture of you and Fred dancing.

Fred looked up at where you were pointing and slightly blushed.

"Yeah. Me too."

"Hey?" You said, making him look at you.


"You wanna go play in the snow?" You asked, making a mischievous grin appear on his face.

"I thought you'd never ask." He stood and ran up to his dorm, and you ran to yours.

You ignored the questioning looks from the other girls as you quickly put on a coat, hat and gloves, and snow boots. It was after curfew, so you figured the halls would be dark, and you stuffed your wand in your pocket.

"Y/n! Come on!" Fred whisper-yelled to you from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm here." You said as you ran down. You saw he had something in his hand. "What's that?" You asked. He grinned.

Showing you his hand, he had the folded Marauder's Map.

"Off we go my lady." He said, holding his arm for you to take.

You took it and started out of the portrait, stepping in pace with each other.

I totally just thought I'd been spelling Marauder's Map wrong!! I thought it had corrected to murderer's map.
I had to go back and check haha.
I hope you guys are enjoying my story/book/whatever it's called.
Thanks for reading!!
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