Our Year

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You woke up earlier than the boys. Glancing at Fred you tried to hold in a laugh as he was sprawled across his entire bed. One of his legs was hanging off the edge.

You silently walked out of the room and down the stairs. Turns out, you'd woken up earlier than everyone.

The sun was barely rising. There was a small sliver of light that gave the sky a pinkish fog look.

Making yourself a cup of tea and grabbing a blanket, you went to lay outside. You wrapped yourself in the blanket and laid down. You watched the clouds pass one by one, thinking. Mostly of Fred, but a little of your mother. You made a note to write to her later.

You heard the back door open and listened to the footsteps approaching you. You recognized who it was right away from the fast pace and urgency of them.

"What are you doing out here this early?" Percy asked standing over you.

"Enjoying the air. Care to join me?" You were joking, but didn't expect him to sit next to you.

You sat in an awkward silence, thinking of something to say. Thankfully, you didn't have to think too hard.

"Why are you always around?" Percy asked. You propped yourself on your elbows. You couldn't tell if he was being trying to insult you or not.

"Are you trying to insult me?" You stared at him, ready for it to come.

"No. You're just always here. Everyone has taken liking to you. Especially the twins." You almost laughed at his attempt to make conversation.

"I don't really know. There isn't much of a reason for me to be here. I became friends with Fred and George first year, and that first summer when I came here, I don't really know. Everyone was just so nice. I guess your family likes me." He looked at you with a blank expression for a moment, then looked out towards the field.

"That's true. We all enjoy having you here." He said after a long pause.

"Aw. Even you? I'm flattered." You joked, putting a hand to your heart. You thought you almost saw a smile, but it was Percy. He doesn't smile.

"Well, you're not wretched. And you make my brothers happy. Especially Fred." He commented. You blushed at the mention of Fred.

"Well I do try."

"But the thing is you don't have to. How do you get people to like you so much? My own family doesn't like me nearly as much as they like you." He said with a seemingly hurt look in his eyes. You felt sorry for him.

"That's not true. You're just very serious is all. Just loosen up a little." You shook your shoulders, showing him the loosen up side of what you said. He looked at you and did the smallest shimmy of his shoulders you'd ever seen.

"There you go." You complimented laughing.

"Oi! Y/n! What're you doing with him?" You heard George yell. Percy went to turn and say something but you stopped him.

"Well he's much better company than you!" You said leaning your head back so you were looking at George through the kitchen window, upside down.

George put a hand over his chest and fake fell to the ground.

"See? Make some jokes." You told Percy. Standing up you offered him a hand. He took it.


"Mum!! I've missed you!!" You yelled hugging her.

"I've missed you too!" She always came to see you off at the train station. You told her about the World Cup and was interrupted by the warning whistle from the train operator, telling you the train would be leaving soon.

"I'll write mum! I'll miss you so much!" You said, giving her another hug.

"I'll miss you too! Have fun this year okay? I know you've been working hard in school lately, but you should loosen up." She smiled at you and you gave her a nod.

As you walked towards the train Fred leaned out of the door.

"Ready m'lady?" He asked taking your trunk.

"Definitely." You said and walked along behind him. You two made your way to the same compartment you ride in every train ride. Lee was already seated, along with George.

"Y/n!" Lee called. You hugged him.

"Woah. Okay. Remember the seating arrangement." George said as you moved back to the seat you always sat in next to Fred.

The train took off and you stared out the window as the twins shared some of the new jokes with Lee.

As the trolley came around, you and Fred trampled each other to the lady's cart.

You didn't get much, but Fred asked you to help him pick out a few things. Others were piling behind you, and you had to move out of the way quickly.

"tOw PuMpKiN pAsTiEs PlEaSe." An Irish girl said. You covered your mouth, trying not to laugh at her accent.

"What're you on about?" Fred asked as you walked back to he compartment. You waved a hand at him, telling him to continue on with whatever he was doing.

Soon enough George and Lee fell asleep, and you and Fred talked about anything that came to your minds.

"I was thinking..." You started.

"Oh no. Everyone watch out. Y/n's thinking!" Fred said spreading his arms out and looking around as though the train broke down.

"Come on then! I'm serious!" You laughed moving his hand out of your face. "Listen... I know you offered for me to work with you and George in the shop, but I don't think I should."

"What do you mean? You came up with half these ideas." He looked at you questioningly and gestured towards his bag full of all sorts of jokes.

"Well... it's just that it's more of a you and George thing. It's in the name. I don't want to barge on something I shouldn't be a part of." You looked into his eyes, trying to show that there would be no convincing you otherwise.

"But we want you to be with us. We want you in our lives. I want you in my life." He smiled at you and you blushed furiously, noticing that his face was just as red.

Fred had never said that to you before, and it made the whole world seem brighter now that he had.

"I can be in your life without being in the business. It's not that complicated." You offered, still keeping your main point.

"I guess I can understand what you mean. I don't know. I just want you to kno-" His sentence was cut short by the breaks of the train.

"We're here!" You looked out the window.

"Shall we wake them?" Fred asked. You nodded and shook Lee and George awake.

They woke startled but weren't upset as they realized you had arrived at Hogwarts.

"I can't wait. This is going to be our year." Fred said as all four of you hopped off the train. You felt as though you were going to combust with excitement as you walked through the ginormous doors leading into the castle.

"Yes. Our year indeed." George put his arm around Fred's shoulders and Fred put his arm around Lee's. Lee put his arm around you. You all walked into the Great Hall linked together.

Our year.

I liked this one better. I know people often write about the fourth year. It was just easier with the Yule ball and stuff.
The pumpkin pasties thing with Cho was really just for fun. She says it so awkwardly in the movies that I couldn't resist.

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