Chapter 20

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Li Ya trembled violently at his words and she tried to break free from his grasp but he didn't let her get the chance.

"I asked you a question. Do I kill you here or later?" Li Ya looked around the room and figured waking Xie Lian was the best bet she had.

Maybe he'd defend her. He loved her after all.

Hua Cheng saw her line of sight and smiled. "Gege probably can't help you. Those are your thoughts right?"

He dragged her arm forcefully to the guest room. He threw her to the ground recklessly and dusted his hands off.

"I'll tell my love that you've done this to me!" Hua Cheng sneered at her.

"Who's your love? He doesn't even know you." Li Ya's face twitched and she jumped up.

"He doesn't know you! He loves me! I know he does. He told me! He told me! On national television at that."

Hua Cheng chuckles but his face held no humor.

"He told you?'re something. Tell me, what do you think his reaction will be if he knows you're here and you stabbed his friend?"

"That's....that's...I did it for our love. He was getting in the way. You all are! I and he are supposed to be together! It's written in stone."

"Then will stab me too?" Li Ya took a step back and looked at the man sideways.

What was wrong with him?

Hua Cheng looked at his hand that held the knife of hers and handed it to her.

"Go ahead. I'm an obstacle in the way of your love. Stab me."

Li Ya held the knife and pondered.

They could be together if she just did this? That's right!

One person just has to die and then it's smooth sailing. She and Xie Lian would live happily.

She ran toward him and yelled as she plunged the knife into his stomach.

But he showed no sign of pain.

If anything, his face turned ugly and he appeared angry. He grabbed her arm and drove the knife deeper into his abdomen.

"Now I see the extent you're willing to go. You've shown me. We're the same but there's one difference."

Li Ya looked up at the man with fear evident on her face. She struggled to get her next words out.

"And what's that?"

"I don't have a beating heart."

Li Ya screamed and let go of the knife. She tried to run from the room but when she opened the door, she was met with Xie Lian.

Before he could say anything, she hugged him and started to cry.

"Darling, get that evil man! He wants to separate us from one another."

Xie Lian cruelly pushed her off and turned to Hua Cheng. Half of his face was illuminated by the moonlight.

The knife no longer was lodged in his stomach. He pulled it out long ago with no hassle. No blood coated the weapon.

Xie Lian turned around and the woman sat on the ground with her head in her hands.

"Damn...good thing I called the cops on this crazy bitch." Xie Lian looked at Qi Rong who held Gu Zi in his arms.

His whole face didn't show worry but his eyes held a disgust for the woman on the floor.

"You're going to spend your life in a jail cell eating horse shit. That's what you deserve." Qi Rong didn't even know the extent of what happened but he heard her words of "love" to his dear cousin.

Li Ya sat on the ground ignoring him but she kept mumbling one thing to herself.

"Why would he push me and run to him?" She said this over and over until the police arrived and took her away.

Xie Lian was shaken but he was more worried about Hua Cheng than anything. The man assured him he was fine.

Qi Rong smiled as his son complimented him.

"Dad is a hero! He told the scary lady all about jail! He's so cool."

"And shameless too" Hua Cheng whispered to himself.

Xie Lian called Mu Qing and told him what had just occurred and the other man rushed over.

"I'm fine really. Just glad that's it over now." Mu Qing nodded and told him about how he'd probably have to testify in court.

He told Qi Rong this too but the man was excited saying that he'd get to show his son another cool side.

The next day came and Feng Xin awoke with ease. They told him what happened and of course and freaked out too.

"Calm down dumbass. You'll open your stitches." Feng Xin calmed down and they were all good.

Hua Cheng stood outside the hospital room with his head down.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here? Especially since I haven't seen in you in now long?"

Hua Cheng looked at the man.

His jet black hair was styled messily and his face held one of concern.

He Xuan rolled his eyes at his silence and asked again. "What are you doing here?"

"Here with a friend. What about you? Don't tell me you've gone and got yourself knocked up?" He Xuan hit his arm and grimaced.

"I'm here with Qingxuan. He scraped his knee at his job and made a big deal about it."

"It was not a big deal! I could've died!" Shi Qingxuan came up with a small pout on his handsome face.

"Hey, Hua Hua. You wanna come to lunch with your two big brothers? And did you get taller?" The man ran his mouth like a train until He Xuan pushed him away and bid farewell.

Xie Lian came out moments later and looked at the man who wore a smile.

"At least they can get a happy ending at this time." Xie Lian was confused about what he meant and didn't question him.

Hua Cheng noticed Xie Lian and held out his hand which Xie Lian took.

They walked out of the hospital together and caught a cab.

They decided to go to Hua Cheng's house to get him some clothes that fit since he was currently stretching out Xie Lian's.

But when they arrived, they found a bizarre sight.

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