Chapter 6

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Mu Qing paced back and forth as Feng Xin sat on the bed watching him. He noticed his staring and glared.

"Play nice, you two," He said looking through his pile of clothes on the floor. "What's the meaning of this?" Mu Qing said gesturing to the clothes and his friend.

"Huh?" Xie Lian said ignoring him.

"You're going out with that guy again? He looks like a bad influence in every way possible," Feng Xin said watching Mu Qing agree with a head nod.

"We're just going to the mall to shop. He said he has an interview tomorrow and needs my advice." Xie Lian held a shirt to his chest while turning in the mirror.

"That's code for 'date'. You know that right?" Mu Qing said rolling his eyes and plopping on the bed.

"Really?" Xie Lian blushed slightly but his friends caught it. Then a loud noise sounded signaling that Hua Cheng had rung the doorbell.

Xie Lian stuffed his messy clothes in the closet and quickly changed into a t-shirt and blue jeans. He ran down the stairs and opened the door to find Hua Cheng standing there.

"Gege." Xie Lian admired him and nodded moments later. "Are you ready to go, San Lang?"

Hua Cheng nodded and held out his hand but was stopped by another.

Mu Qing smiled up at him and nodded slowly. "So you're the San Lang? May I ask your intentions with Xie Lian?"

Hua Cheng smiled the fakest smile Xie Lian had seen from him and answered. "And you people are?"

Hua Cheng had a heavy dislike of him for some reason he couldn't explain. But it felt almost like deja vu.

Feng Xin grabbed the younger one's shoulder. "I'm Feng Xin and we're his friends."

"'re not my friends. Let's get going, Gege."

Xie Lian laughed nervously and waved goodbye to his friends. But he was stopped by a yell.

"We're coming too!"


Hua Cheng sighed to himself looking at Xie Lian being hogged. Mu Qing and Feng Xin didn't let him talk to the older man or even come close.

He was annoyed and stared until his shoulder was tapped. He turned to find a girl looking up at him.

"Excuse me...are you the racer Hua Cheng?" She looked no older than sixteen.

"I am. Would you like a picture?"

The girl looked surprised and nodded speaking softly. "My brother is a big fan of you and he would love a picture but he's too shy to talk to you himself."

Hua Cheng smiled and watched the girl bring a young boy over who blushed madly. Xie Lian noticed this and smiled to himself.

He slipped away while his friends argued for the millionth time and stood by Hua Cheng's side.

The younger man waved the people away half politely.

Xie Lian grabbed his hand surprisingly and pulled him along. Hua Cheng blushed a little and allowed himself to be dragged.

They slowed down after a while and Xie Lian huffed out a breath. "We've lost them by now. Do you still need an outfit, San Lang?"

"Gege, as much as I like this. How will your friends feel?"

"They're fine, too busy to notice me leaving them behind. Besides, we're supposed to be hanging out today. Aren't we?"

Hua Cheng nodded and looked down at their hands and smiled. Xie Lian noticed too and squeezed his hand.

They walked around to many different shops and eventually ended up buying more than needed.

Xie Lian wanted to see the younger in the outfits he chose but they, unfortunately, didn't have the time.

The two of them left the mall and slowly walked to Xie Lian's home. Hua Cheng told him he would take a cab to his own house since his brother had his car.

After they arrived, Xie Lian looked up at him and smiled softly. "I hope you do well in your interview, San Lang."

Hua Cheng bent down and placed a kiss on his cheek making Xie Lian's brain do backflips. "Now I will, Gege."

The older turned and struggled to unlock his door. While Hua Cheng watched him and laughed quietly to himself. After five attempts, the door was open and the cab arrived.

Hua Cheng waved goodbye and Xie Lian smiled brightly. He watched the car drive off and then ran wildly inside his house. His cheeks were beet red and his mind was in turmoil.

He ran to his couch and plopped down exhausted. Hua Cheng's face was still prominent in his head as Xie Lian dozed off.


The smell of flowers wafted across Xie Lian's nose as he sat up. His clothing was tattered and his face felt dirty. The ground beneath him was hard so he stood up.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps running toward him and he turned. His long hair hit the side of his face making him wince.

A young girl with long black hair and dark clothing stopped in front of him.

"General! You shouldn't sleep outside." The girl looked a little worried so Xie Lian placed his hand on her head. "I'm fine, Ban Yue. Where's San Lang?"

Xie Lian noticed he had no control over his mouth whatsoever and the words he spoke didn't make sense.

Why was San Lang in his dream? And how did he know this little girl's name?

"He's watching his followers cut firewood. I'll take you to him, General." He followed the young girl who he noticed walked barefoot. Wasn't she uncomfortable?

Ban Yue looked at him and smiled a little making Xie Lian feel responsible for some reason.

Finally, the two of them came in front of a run-down shrine that was on its last legs. Xie Lian walked toward it and then inside. Two mats were on the floor amongst other things.

"Can't you bastards chop faster? It isn't like you'll die from exhaustion."

Xie Lian knew that voice and he walked toward subconsciously. He stopped at the door and saw a young man with an eyepatch under a tree.

The man stood with his hands behind his head leisurely. He looked up and saw Xie Lian and smiled.

"Gege, I thought you were getting ingredients for tonight." Xie Lian ran toward him and jumped into his arms.

RACING;HUALIANحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن