Chapter 1

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The crowds roared as Xie Lian's car, Ruoye raced on the track leaving dust behind. Other racers cursed to themselves when they saw how ahead he was.

Xie Lian smiled to himself knowing he would win, again. When he crossed the finish line for the last time the other cars were still far behind.

Xie Lian patiently waited until the other racers finished and when they did, he clapped for them in Ruoye as if he was just a spectator and not in the race himself. He then stepped out his car and took off his helmet as the crowd got even louder.

His long hair instantly came out of the helmet and went down his back. Xie Lian sighed and fixed his hair into a bun seeing as his other one from before the race came out. Everyone including the other racers marveled at his beauty.

Another day and another race for Xie Lian.


Xie Lian greeted his fans with a smile on his face. He shook their hands and took some gifts but their screams pierced his ears. Even adult men screamed 'Prince! Touch my hand.' But Xie Lian didn't mind them and kindly touched their hand.

He smiled at the nickname his fans gave him. They called him a prince because he reminded them of one and many thought he was much more attractive than many of the other racers.

Suddenly, a boy around thirteen looked up at Xie Lian. One side of his face was covered with bandages but he looked at Xie Lian with one bright eye.

Xie Lian smiled at the boy and made a move to walk away from the crowds. He waved goodbye but someone grabbed his jacket from behind. He turned and saw the adorable boy with the one eye tugging on it.

Big burly men made their way over to Xie Lian with the intention of prying the boy off but Xie Lian stopped them and bent down to the boy's eye level. He thought the boy was adorable and cute. Xie Lian waited for the boy to speak.

The boy spoke with a small voice so Xie Lian didn't hear him. The boy cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Even though I only have my one eye, can I be a great racer like you?" Xie Lian was taken back but quickly recovered and put his hand on the boy's head.

"Don't be like me. Be like you and race me when you're older, Okay?"

The boy's eye lit up and he shook his head with a big smile on his face. Xie Lian stood up and winked at the boy.

The boy was looking at Xie Lian's back when a hand came behind him and hit him on the head.

"Hua Cheng! What are you doing? I was looking for you." It was his older brother, He Xuan. Hua Cheng looked up at him and smiled but said nothing.

"Hey, what happened?" He Xuan asked but Hua Cheng made a zipping mouth motion over his lips and walked away from his brother. He Xuan tailed behind him with a confused look on his face.


Xie Lian collapsed on his bed falling into a deep sleep. He was drained and didn't get enough sleep the night before. He started to dream.

Xie Lian felt the sun beam down on him and he opened his eyes to find a young boy in red sitting next to him on the grass. The boy had long hair that was styled into a lopsided ponytail, and he wore a fond smile on his face. He looked to be about eighteen. He had his head propped on his hand.

He looked familiar to Xie Lian. The boy stared at him and Xie Lian subconsciously reached his hand out to touch his face. But he couldn't because a loud bang sounded in his ears jolting him awake. Someone slammed the door of his bedroom.

Mu Qing, one of his best friends came strolling into his room nonchalantly. Mu Qing had short dark hair and a handsome face that always looked judging. He looked over Xie Lian and handed him a bag. Xie Lian opened to find his favorite meat buns.

"Don't think too highly of me bringing you food. I just passed by and had some left over."

'Classic Mu Qing' Xie Lian thought. He thanked him and grabbed a bun, eating it silently.

Xie Lian thought of the boy in his dream and sighed to himself. Who was he?

6 years later...

Xie Lian watched the television as it played his favorite show, Hoarders. He liked it because it gave him a nostalgic feeling for some reason.

Xie Lian was only 23 but according to Feng Xin, he was 95 mentally. Xie Lian was preparing for the race he had the next day.

After he finished the episode of Hoarders, he turned to the racing broadcast. They were talking about a new racer that came onto the scene.

His name was Hua Cheng and he was nineteen years old. They showed his picture and Xie Lian felt an odd sense of familiarity.

He had hair that probably went to his shoulder but it was pulled into a bun. He had a black eye patch on one of his eyes but to Xie Lian, that made him more alluring. His face looked threatening like he could end someone's life in a snap.

Xie Lian stared at the tv like a man possessed until his phone rang. He answered it without looking and was met with Feng Xin's voice.

"Xie Lian, come down to the bar tonight. We're celebrating your win."

"But my race is tomorrow so I haven't won yet" Xie Lian said with a smile.

"I know your race is tomorrow but everyone knows you'll win. So come on!"

"Okay, Feng Xin. I'll be there."

He hung up and stared at his phone. It was 5:00 pm and he planned to head out at 8:00.

Xie Lian turned off the tv and walked to his bedroom to take a nap.


Hua Cheng laid on his bed with his arm over his face. He was bored so he sat up to grab his laptop. He typed in what he always did and not shortly after videos popped up. He clicked on the first one and watched the man on the screen with huge admiration.

It was Xie Lian doing a interview and even though Hua Cheng saw it a million times, he still watched it with a warm feeling in his chest.

Xie Lian answered the questions he was asked with a smile on his face. Hua Cheng unknowingly smiled with him when someone knocked on his door.

He Xuan walked in without waiting for a answer from Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng closed his laptop and rolled his eyes at his older brother's rudeness.

"Don't tell me you're watching Xie Lian again" He Xuan said sitting on his bed and reaching for his laptop.

Hua Cheng pulled it from his nasty grasp and shot him a glare. He Xuan held his hands in surrender and smiled at him.

"Oh I came to tell you that your precious Xie Lian is supposed to be at the Xian Le bar tonight."

Hua Cheng's ears perked up.


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