Chapter 5

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Saturday couldn't arrive quicker for Hua Cheng who was too excited to be having lunch with his idol. He decided to have lunch with Xie Lian at a small cafe not far from his house. He waited in a small booth for him to arrive and when he finally did, Hua Cheng felt as if he saw an angel.

Xie Lian's long hair was in a high ponytail and he wore a jumper with a long light brown sweater underneath. He looked around until he spotted Hua Cheng in the booth and smiled walking over to him. "This is a really nice cafe, San Lang. How'd you find it?''

Hua Cheng snapped out of his staring when he heard Xie Lian speak. "Ah, I know the guy who owns it.'' Xie Lian nodded and sat down next to him in the spacious booth. Hua Cheng's heart pounded as he scooted closer but he scolded himself as a waitress came to take their order. The woman's nametag read: Xuan Ji and she had a pretty but reserved face as she held her small notebook.

"What can I get for you?" She said with a forced kindness. "I'll have an iced caramel macchiato and a strawberry cake." Xie Lian said looking over to Hua Cheng as the young man answered he'll have the same. Xuan Ji nodded and walked off.

Xie Lian glanced around some more before looking at the handsome boy next to him. He spoke with a huge smile and leaned forward.

"Why did you want to become a racer, San Lang?" Hua Cheng glanced at him but couldn't look in his eyes.

"I actually became one because of you." He said scratching the back of his neck as Xuan Ji delivered their orders. Xie Lian sipped his drink before looking at the boy again.

"Why was I your inspiration? I'm not that great."

"In my eyes, gege, you're the greatest."

Xie Lian almost choked on his cake he ate. He laughed at his words but felt deep inside that the boy meant it wholeheartedly.

They talked a little more and finally, night came and they decided to see a movie. It was a new one the was called, Heaven's Official Blessing.

The story was an innocent and wholesome one that Xie Lian liked.

As he and Hua Cheng sat in their seats, he smiled. Right before they went in, he told him that if there were scary parts, he'd hold Hua Chang's hand.

Hua Cheng laughed but thought the man was very cute in his head. The movie ended on a good note and Xie Lian almost cried.

They decided to just take a walk after and discuss the movie.

"You know, I heard once that the movie is based on an old folk tale."

Hua Cheng looked down at Xie Lian who just spoke. He nodded and listened to him. "I think it's kind of beautiful," He said making Hua Cheng's ears perk up.

"Why do you think that?" He said stopping making Xie Lian stop and look at him.

"Well, his partner stayed fiercely loyal to him through it all. Despite all the pain the two of them went through. It is tragically beautiful, isn't it?"

Hua Cheng looked and smiled softly while grabbing Xie Lian's hand.

"Gege, I..."

"San Lang, what is it? Do you feel sick?" He wanted to check his forehead but his hand was grabbed and kissed. He blushed and looked away.

"Gege, I like you," Hua Cheng said quietly but the older man heard it.

His blush deepened as he said nothing. Hua Cheng looked at his face and nodded. "You're disgusted, aren't you?"

Xie Lian waved his hands and moved his hands to cup the boy's face. "No that's not it, San Lang. I'm just... wondering something."

"Hmm?" Hua Cheng tilted his head as Xie Lian admitted what he'd been thinking.

"I was wondering why you like me. I will be honest, I've never dated or even had crushes. So, I am more than inexperienced. You should-

He was cut off by a laugh from Hua Cheng. He was confused but smiled as the boy leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I don't want some expert in dating, I want you, Gege."

Xie Lian turned away and nodded softly. His chest and face felt hot and his hands were shaking nervously.

"That's settled then." He said starting to walk away. Hua Cheng ran behind the fast walking man and smiled.

"I'll make you feel the same way. I promise you."

"It won't take much," Xie Lian said before he had time to stop himself.

Hua Cheng laughed again as the older man quickened his pace.


Xie Lian laid in bed staring at the ceiling. He thought about Hua Cheng's words and felt his heart warm.

"I can't believe this." He spoke to himself. His reaction was warranted however. It was the first time someone had given him a confession in person.

In school, he got many love letters that never got a straight answer from him. He always avoided saying yes or no. But he couldn't tell Hua Cheng that.

He didn't know what to think and his words would be jumbled if he tried to explain. He liked the boy and his feelings didn't seem like the ones he shared with his two close friends.

He just went on a date with him for God's sake!

Xie Lian tried to sleep feeling his brain was thinking too much.

He'd never wished he could throw it away more than this moment.


Hua Cheng opened the door to his home and found his brother on the couch kissing someone on his lap.

The two people didn't notice his presence until he coughed loudly.

He Xuan rolled his eyes as Shi Qingxuan pulled away and waved at Hua Cheng.

"I didn't see you there. How you been doing, Hua Hua?" Shi Qingxuan said in an overly nice tone.

"I've been fine and I'll let you two get back to it." He walked to his room and closed the door trying to cleanse his mind.

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