Chapter 2

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Hua Cheng fixed his hair in the mirror while He Xuan stood at the door. He styled his shoulder length hair in a low ponytail with a few strands in the front. When Hua Cheng was younger, he insisted on growing his hair out to match Xie Lian's, his idol.

He wanted to be just like him and so he also became a racer a year ago at 18. He climbed the ladder rather quickly and got recognized by many but he could care less because he just wanted one person to notice him.

Hua Cheng walked into his bedroom and rummaged through his drawer and pulled out a red turtleneck sweater and a pair of dark jeans.
He paired it with a silver chain with a light butterfly and his black boots which he always wore.

He fixed his eyepatch before getting into his car and driving off to Xian Le bar.


8:00 pm came sooner than expected for Xie Lian. He yawned and climbed out of his comfortable bed. He walked to his dresser to grab a outfit for the night.

Xie Lian looked at his outfit and nodded. He wore a plain white shirt with light blue jeans and his gym shoes. He grabbed his black jacket and keys ready to leave.


Xie Lian arrived at Xian Le bar and didn't see any of his friends. He called Feng Xin who conveniently did not answer and Mu Qing who never answers. He then got a text saying that they were kicked out of the bar for fighting.

Xie Lian sighed and turned to leave when he bumped into someone's chest. Xie Lian looked up to apologize when he saw a man staring at him with one bright eye. The other was covered with an eyepatch.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking."

"It's fine and I wasn't either."

His voice was deep and melodious. He was handsome and Xie Lian remembered he saw him on tv. He was the racer named was Hua Cheng, Xie Lian conviently remembered.

"You're a racer, aren't you? I'm Xie Lian." He stuck out his hand for him to shake and Hua Cheng looked at it for a while before taking it.

"I am a racer and I already know who you are."

"Oh?" Xie Lian was surprised because not many racers cared about others especially not the competition. Xie Lian had wrongly assumed this Hua Cheng was no different.

"Did you want a drink? Or are you waiting for someone?" Hua Cheng asked him looking around. Xie Lian shook his head and accepted his offer.

Then he noticed a boy behind Hua Cheng with dark hair and a handsome face.

"Hi, I didn't see you there" Xie Lian greeted him but the boy just waved and walked to the other side of the bar.

"Don't mind him. He's my brother but he's shy when it comes to others" Hua Cheng said looking slightly down at Xie Lian.

Xie Lian nodded and walked to the bar to sit. Hua Cheng sat beside him and looked at him with a indescribable expression.

Xie Lian probably imagined it but he faintly saw the younger boy's pale face turn a little red.

"Your name is Hua Cheng right?"

"Yes it is but you may call me something else." Hua Cheng said with a sly smile on his face.

"What should I call you?" Xie Lian said smiling back at him. Hua Cheng looked like he thought for a moment then spoke.

"Call me San Lang." Xie Lian thought the name was very cute and fit the boy perfectly.

"Okay, San Lang then. But if I call you that, you too have to give me a nickname."

"Of course, I'll call you Gege."

"That's not a nickname." Xie Lian said laughing lightly.


The two talked for what seemed like forever about anything. Hua Cheng was unexpectedly easy for Xie Lian to talk to. He couldn't remember the last time he talked with someone on a personal level besides Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

"Gege, why didn't you order a drink with alcohol?"

"Oh, I don't drink because I don't like the taste." Xie Lian hated alcohol because of the bitter taste and also he's seen people do crazy things when drunk.

Feng Xin once found a bow and arrow and tried to shoot Mu Qing, who had an apple on his head.

Xie Lian would never forget that night because he had to somehow get both of them home by himself. Hua Cheng looked at him in thought and smiled.

Xie Lian didn't notice this and checked the clock to see it was midnight and decided it was time for him to go. Hua Cheng sent him off and Xie Lian thought he had just made a new friend.

He smiled to himself until he got home and went to bed.


Xie Lian won his race again and wanted to head home quickly to rest and watch Hoarders. But he was bombarded by reporters who threw questions at him like baseballs.

"Xie Lian, we heard you were spotted with the other competitive racer, Hua Cheng. Are you guys close?"

"I just met him yesterday-"

Xie Lian didn't get to finish before another reporter threw a question at him.

"Do you think Hua Cheng is scoping out his competition since you're one of the best racers right now?"

Xie Lian didn't know how to answer that so he just smiled and ran the opposite way. After ten tiring minutes, he finally managed to sneak away successfully only to bump into someone.

The person held Xie Lian's picture in one hand and a paper cup in the other. Xie Lian knew who's chest he bumped into but was surprised to find him there.

"San Lang? What are you doing here?"

Hua Cheng looked at him with a glint in his eye and smiled.

"I'm a huge fan of Gege and came to cheer him on." Hearing him say that, Xie Lian felt a little embarrassed for some reason so he scratched the back of head smiling.

Xie Lian's bun was messy and sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Thank you, San Lang."

"You're welcome, but you don't look too well."

Xie Lian felt his heartbeat picking up faster when Hua Cheng put his hand to his forehead to feel his temparture. Xie Lian carefully removed his hand and waved his own in front of him to show he was alright.

"No no I'm fine just under the weather a bit." But coincidentally as he said this he felt his vision go black and his knees give out.

Fortunately, Hua Cheng caught him before he could hit the cold floor.


Xie Lian opened his eyes only to find an unfamiliar setting. He looked around and stood up. The place was small and Xie Lian was just laid out on a small mat that was very uncomfortable.

He walked to the open door to find a young boy in red greeting him. He was handsome and was taller than Xie Lian. The boy was smiling down at him with crescent eyes which made Xie Lian's heart pound wildly.

Xie Lian then woke up to find himself on a bed and grabbed his head instinctively only to feel a wet towel. He met the eyes of Hua Cheng who sat at his side with a bowl of water.

"Gege, you're up."

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