Chapter 15

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Ling Wen walked back to her palace exhausted until she saw a familiar man in front of her.

Pei Ming stood in front of her palace with a hand under his chin and a serious expression. She sighed and walked to his side. He noticed her and smiled as he looked at her.

"Ah Ling Wen, I was just wondering how you possibly live in this place. It's so...quiet."

"Like I want it. Do you need anything else, General Pei?" She wanted nothing more than to crash into her room and stare at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep cause her brain usually wouldn't shut down.

"Nope, nothing at all. Just bored."

"That's good" She offhandedly said as she stepped away from him and walked into the doors of her palace.

She immediately fell face first and didn't get to make it to a very comfortable bed. But in her mind, the floor was fine as well.

"Is this all that woman does? No wonder she looked on the verge of collapsing" Hua Cheng said as he sat next to Xie Lian organizing papers into their respective piles.

"Ling Wen is the heart of the Heavens." Xie Lian wrote fast, his handwriting beautiful. Hua Cheng was amazed at how he could be quick and still be legible.

"I've never done anything like this."

Xie Lian turned to him with a brush in his hand. He placed the brush on his mouth. "Paperwork?"

"Yeah, I've never had a regular job."

"Me neither." Xie Lian went back to writing while the man next to him couldn't help but stare at him. He then looked at his neck and noticed the white cloth that looked a bit tattered.

"Why do you wear that cloth? Did you injure yourself?" Xie Lian's hand moved to his neck and he smiled.

"No, it's Ruoye." Hua Cheng's head tilted. That what the same name as his idol's car. He didn't question it but instead got back to work when he felt a brush on his sleeve. He looked down and found that the cloth brushed against him as a kitten would.

Hua Cheng patted at the top and it waved enthusiastically. He'd seen stranger since he'd been here so this cloth having a life of its own was nothing.

"It can be very much like a pet." Xie Lian wanted to pull Ruoye back but the cloth wouldn't budge so he gave up.

"It's oddly affectionate."


"I'm telling, I wasn't cheating! I'm just so good at this game that it's scary!" Qi Rong defended himself but the other three present had deadpan looks.

"Dad...I saw you take a card from under your leg." The little boy innocently went against his dad.

He didn't think it was a big deal considering it was just UNO. Hua Cheng chuckled smugly and Xie Lian rubbed his neck smiling.

"Qi Rong, cheating is prohibited."

"He wouldn't know any better. He has the mental capacity of a toddler or better yet, an infant." Qi Rong sneered and stuck out his tongue at Hua Cheng. He then threw his cards down and folded his arms.

"I'll just help my son win against you two." Gu Zi held up his hands and shook his head. "Please Dad no. I'm almost at UNO and I want to win."

Hua Cheng covered his mouth as he smiled.

After a while, the game was won by Hua Cheng who claimed he had never played it before. He blamed it on his luck being too high. Which Xie Lian didn't consider a bad thing.

"We've been at this for hours. I'm hungry. Cousin, make me some food."

Xie Lian rolled his eyes but he heard a little boy agree quietly. So he stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

"I'll cook a stew!" He yelled back but he turned when he heard footsteps behind him. Hua Cheng rolled up his sleeves. "I'll help, just give me orders."

Xie Lian smiled and nodded. They came into the kitchen and Xie Lian all the needed ingredients.

After long intense labor, the food was finally down and Xie Lian wiped his sweat. He looked down at his concoction with a proud face.

"Foods ready!" He yelled upstairs as the two young children came down.

"Finally. You two took forever so this better be on par with Gordon Ramsey." Hua Cheng once again didn't know who that was but if Qi Rong mentioned it, he must be annoying.

They all sat down as Xie Lian filled everyone's bowl to the brim. Qi Rong looked at and grimaced. "Is this chili?"

Xie Lian felt a vein pop and he said seriously. "It's stew."

"It looks like shit."

"Are we talking about your face or the stew?" Hua Cheng said not looking up from his bowl. Qi Rong looked down and grabbed a spoonful. He looked over at his son while the boy gave a thumbs up even though his bowl hadn't been touched.

He placed the spoon of food in his mouth and almost immediately threw it back up. It was horrible!

This wasn't safe for human consumption. He'd rather become a cannibal than eat this hot horse shit.

"How is it?" Qi Rong looked at the young man next to his cousin. The man made a slicing motion across his neck. Qi Rong wasn't so stupid that he didn't know this was a threat.

"It's...amazing. The best dish I've ever had." Xie Lian was ecstatic and his eyes upturned into a smile. "Have some more. There's plenty to have seconds too."

"I will." Gu Zi saw the motion the red-clad man made and he didn't understand but considering how much his dad was sweating it must've been bad. He didn't want to face that same fear so he chowed down on the food in front of him rather quickly.

"I didn't know you both would like it so much. Gu Zi, slow down." Hua Cheng smiled and ate slowly savoring the taste.

While the man next to him swung his feet happily.


A little wholesome content for you all. The next chapter is angst-filled however so be prepared for that.

Until next time, Mobie <3

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