Chapter 17

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Hua Cheng sat up breathing heavily but he tried to calm himself down.

Then he heard soft breathing. He looked down and saw Xie Lian sleeping peacefully with his head in his arms.

Hua Cheng smiled and laid back down trying to get back to sleep.

He thought back to when he first saw his idol.


"You really shouldn't watch so much Tv. It's bad for your eyes."

"I only have one so it's fine." He Xuan didn't laugh at Hua Cheng's joke.

The young boy flipped through channels with a bored look on his face. Then he stopped when he saw something do with cars. He saw it was racing.

He wasn't a big fan of sports or anything and he was about to turn the channel but stopped when he saw a man with long hair giving an interview.

The man's hair was pulled into a ponytail and his face was extremely handsome. Sweat dripped down as he talked to the interviewer. Hua Cheng was intrigued so he turned the volume on tv up.

"Hey! Turn it down!" He Xuan said but Hua Cheng shushed him.

"What did racing feel like out there today?" The man on the television asked the handsome young man.

"It was fun, seeing and hearing the cheers of my fans excited me."

Xie Lian smiled brightly making Hua Cheng's heart flutter.

"What do you have to say to any future competition or young kids watching right now who look up to you?"

"I say if you meet me one day, challenge me to a race. I'll indulge you." He laughed and the interviewer laughed along with him.

After that, Hua Cheng became a huge fan of Xie Lian. His brother bought him posters and all types of merchandise.

Then when he was 13, he met his idol and it was the best moment of his life.

His words were forever ingrained in his brain. Before Hua Cheng knew it, he didn't just admire the man.

He was in love with him.

"San Lang are you up?" Hua Cheng looked behind him and smiled. He reached out his hand about to pat the man's head but he stopped midway.

His cheeks reddened and he coughed a little. "If you're tired, you should lie in bed. I'll sleep on the chair."

Xie Lian shook his head and smiled.

"It's fine. We can just sleep together."

Hua Cheng nodded as the older man climbed into the bed.


"You know you shouldn't be so prideful especially to him. He's your son you know."

"What do you know woman? He's always been more comfortable around you."

Xie Lian's mom sighed at her husband and rubbed her forehead. He was like a stick in the mud. Never feeling that what he does is wrong.

"Maybe if you talked to him."

"What will that help? Nothing. Don't talk about it anymore." The older woman nodded and sighed to herself.

She missed her son. She started to recall when he was a young boy and he would run and crash into trees.

He'd turn around with a big smile and an even bigger bruise saying; "Look mommy, the trees stopped me from falling to the ground."

Nowadays the only time she sees his radiant smile is on tv. A single tear slipped from her eye but she quickly wiped away.

"Have you spoken to his parents recently?" Mu Qing spoke from beside Feng Xin who was currently playing some game.

"Who's parents?" The tanned man said not looking.

"Xie Lian's, dimwit." Feng Xin stopped and sighed shaking his head.

"Not at all since his dad kind of blames me for him running away."

"But that was years ago. Is he still holding onto that?" Feng Xin shrugged.

"I read somewhere that older people have no concept of time." Mu Qing rolled his eyes at that statement and stood up, grabbing the bag next to him.

Feng Xin looked at him and grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." He pulled his arm away but as he prepared to walk off, hands encircled his waist.

"Then why did you grab your bag? Is it that time of the month?" Mu Qing pushed him off and straightened his clothing.

"Shut up and don't touch me like that. I thought we established that one time was an accident."

"A happy accident."

"No...a fatal one. Xie Lian is our mutual friend. Imagine how awkward it would be for us to regularly hook up while he's just..."

"You're right. It would be awkward for him." Mu Qing nodded and Feng Xin pursed his lips.

"Now I'll be going. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked out and Feng Xin flopped down on his bed.

He remembered the first time he saw the other man.

He was exceptionally drunk that night but when he saw him it was like he became sober.

Before this, he had a massive crush on his best friend but that almost vanished. He was torn.

Xie Lian was perfect and they meshed well together. But he had never shown any romantic interest toward him so he figured it was far from his mind.

Mu Qing was entirely different.

He didn't show romantic interest toward him but he did show interest and Feng Xin liked that.

After they met, they gradually became closer even though they fought more than they talked.

To Feng Xin, each punch was like a word. He didn't know what words but he would sometimes pretend like the annoying handsome boy was confessing to him.

He chuckled looking back at the memories. He then turned on his side and looked at his lock screen.

It was a picture of his Xie Lian and Mu Qing. He stood beside them with a large smile.

But his current face held no such thing. His heart ached and he didn't know what he should feel.

Mu Qing didn't want to further their relationship which was fine.

Feng Xin's dilemma laid in still having feelings for his best friend.


Sorry I was gone but thank u guys so much for 1k.

I love u all!!!!!

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