Chapter 10: Ava on Limited Sleep

Start from the beginning

"Oh shut up! I wasn't holding a handbag," I remarked as if this news was important. Sam's brow rose at the comment, but I continued. "He said I was a gifted potion's student. Though he followed the comment with news that I would have a lot more work to prove it in the future."

My brother muttered "yikes" while Sam gave me a similar look of discomfort.

"Once again glad I'm not you."

"Thanks, Sam."

"If you live long enough to pass his class, I'll buy you a butterbeer," Theo said in his usual fashion, making Sam turn to him with expected eyes. "But only one. I'm not made of money."

"Theo, your parents are multimillionaires if not more. You can pay for more than one bloody butterbeer," Sam cut in, matching my brother who was looking a bit hurt by her words.

"For the record, my parents don't give me a cent-"

"I don't really care much for butterbeer though," I said causally, gaining looks of outrage from both Sam, Theo and Tati (who had been minding her own business until now).

"I wash my hands of you. You're a lost cause," Theo said my way before turning on Sam.

"Anyway, I'm here to fill you in on Quidditch tryouts. Montague wants the team there to watch. And supposedly we are all on the line if he finds someone better to replace us."

"Get off it! Graham wouldn't do that."

I drowned out their conversation and finished my coffee before leaving for our first class.

Transfiguration was supposed to be a better subject for me after experiencing the expert teaching from Beauxbatons. But it really wasn't. Like really really wasn't as good as it should have been. Not half an hour in and I was still staring at the bird I was supposed to transfigure into a wine goblet. Sam had already managed halfway, with her goblet squawking curses every so often.

"I should send this as a gift to my grandmother. She'd love this," Sam remarked fondly while I sat next to her looking miserable.

"Miss Fountaine, if you please. Stay for a moment." The class had ended and not much success had come about my day. I walked to the front as the rest of the class filled out, feeling low.

"Yes, Professor?"

McGonagall turned from her notebook and gave me one of her piercing stares that made me feel miniscule.

"I received a letter from your past advisor yesterday evening. She explained that your work in Transfiguration should have made your skill level surpass that of your fourth-year classmates."

Way to make me feel worse, Professeur Beaupré. I, the only one in this class to have yet to complete transfiguring a bird to glass is supposed to upgrade to a higher level class.

By all means kill me now.

"But as I've seen today, I fear your advisor far outweighed your talent in this field. I hope you will not be disappointed in my keeping you in this class for the remainder of the year."

"Not at all," I said simply in reply, masking the rising sarcasm in my voice.

McGonagall gave a final nod before letting me go. Sam was outside, talking to of all people, Dominic and Jasper.

They had both shot up in height since I last saw them. But after a glance at one another, I knew they still hadn't forgiven me for the Yule Ball.

"We'll see you in charms," Dom said without another glance my way, before he and Jasper walked off toward the stair well. Sam turned to me, looking guilty.

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