Chapter 11: Competition

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After what was understandably the best sleep of my life, I woke the next morning to a new wave of classes. First of which being Charms with the Gryffindors.

Ginny was more than happy to see me as I entered and ushered me to join her for the lesson.

"Hermione told me you were stuck with Malfoy in potions yesterday. Rotten luck huh?"

"You can say that," I said with a pained smile, as I moved in my seat to get comfortable. Hufflepuffs were entering on the other side of the room, with Ella being one of them. At the sight of me, she blinked in confusion before making a b-line my way.

"What happened? Why are you here?"

"Hello to you to Ella," I said with easy charm while Ginny smiled down at her opened notebook.

"She's in the fifth-year potions class now. Her charms class had to move around to fit her schedule," Ginny filled in.

"Oh," Ella said as she dropped her bag by my side with a loud thud, making a Gryffindor in front of us jump and turn around in annoyance.

"Sorry," Ella said rashly, before joining us at the table. "You must be good at potions then. Though what Sam's going to do without you-"

"She'll survive," Ginny said calmly while I nodded along.

"It's not like she can't function without me," I added sincerely.

"I meant it as a joke. Sam doesn't ask for help. Ever." Ella explained further before Flitwick's call to order.

Sam met up with Ella, Ginny and I on our way to our next classes with Ella and the Slytherins headed to Herbology class and Ginny to Magical Creatures.

"How was potions?" I asked sweetly at Sam's arrival. She rolled her eyes to the back of her head, feigning death, in answer.

"Same," Ginny said smoothly, making me scoff back a strain of giggles. Professor Sprout looked out from the door, making us stop our banter.

"Ms. Fountaine, a word if you please."

"Hell," I muttered, turning to the girls as Sprout turned to answer a student's question. "If this is another question about my needing to transfer to another class level, I might just lose it."

"That can be arranged," Sam said causally, making Ella give her a tired look.

"Can you be anymore stereotypically depressing?"

"Give me an hour," was all I heard Sam say before I walked to Sprout.

After that conversation (where it was decided I would stay with my grade given I had no idea how to properly fertilize a Wiggentree), I joined my friends and went on to experience a rather mundane class.

Little did I know I had the luck of experiencing my first Umbridge class in the later hours of the afternoon. Ginny came up to us at lunch with her own news on the topic.

"Harry ended up causing a scene in her class. Detention for an entire week!"

"Just for mouthing off?" Sam clarified. Ginny nodded.

"It was not as exciting for our class. Rather boring, actually. We read a chapter from the textbook for most of it. She's also got a bit of tick when it comes to clearing her throat. You'll know what I mean when you hear her."

"Oh brilliant," Sam muttered as we walked off, in preparation for that upcoming class. "At least I have something to daydream about while pretending to read."

"What's that?" I asked back.

"Quidditch. Tryouts are tonight, and I swear if I get cut from the team just because that tool, Montague, finds someone supposedly better... well," she paused in thought as we kept walking. I remained quiet, watching her patiently.

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