Chapter 23: A New Normal

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"Stop smirking," I said, eyeing Sam who walked beside me. We were on our way to Herbology with Ella to Sam's right, following the conversation with the three girls. While Ella had returned to her calm self, Sam remained chipper.


"Well then at least admit that you enjoyed getting the yelling out of your system."

"I did," Sam replied. "But what really did it was writing out the extent of that jinx for you."

"You could at least pretend to stop picturing me with all of those gruesome mutations."

"I think the word you are looking for, Ava, is deformed."

I shuddered at the thought, making the two girls laugh.

During Herbology, thanks to most of the class being heavy in notetaking for a change, I was able to open that letter from Marie and read on quietly.


I chose not to tell the others about this letter on the pretext that you were writing with this news solely for me and not the others to get involved. Though, if you do want their input, tell me and I will share your first letter along to the others.

As for my opinion on the matter, I can't say I'm surprised by how your friend, Ella, reacted. In a way, you did lie to her and in doing so, hurt her feelings.

Now if I recall, Draco Malfoy has been both a thorn in your side as well as a sense of happiness for you. You would hide his letters from us but then keep them in a box to look back on when it was just you. Everyone has two sides to themselves. One that we use around our friends and family, and then there's the side of us that is solely our personal selves. The side that you show late at night when you want alone time after a stimulating day. I think it is also a side that can be seen by significant others and very close friends. Of course, I don't mean to say that I've necessarily seen this side of you, but I do believe in it. And maybe Draco has that part to you that he understands that your friends don't always.

After all, how many times have there been fights between you and me over silly things that end up meaning the world to you or to me but are just slight differences in how we understand each other?

Now, I may be blowing this up too much. We are young. Draco probably isn't your significant other but he may still see a little bit more of that other side of you that not everyone else can. It would make sense then for you to willingly cling to him even if there is so much more riding on your relationships with your friends at Hogwarts.

So, with that in mind, watch for that, and take things slow. But also, try and keep those friends of yours close. Because it's those people that see that personal side of you that cause the most pain when they choose to walk away anyway.

I won't judge you for dating him. In fact, I'm pretty sure we all here in Beauxbatons saw it coming if I am being honest. Maybe even Sam did too though I doubt she will ever admit to it.

Let me know how it goes and what you decide. Either way I think you'll be just fine.

With love,


Marie's letter from her words down to her penmanship was like a soothing balm on my rising anxiety on the topic. I even read it in her voice that I was so used to hearing in our late-night rambles. That thought made me have a sudden sense of homesickness for my time in France.

But just as it came over me, it washed away when Professor Sprout's voice grew louder as she walked around the table towards us. I hide the letter before she came to our side and folded it into my journal as a reminder to respond to it the moment classes were over.

Rise of the Death Eaters [3]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें