Chapter 26: Weasley is Our King

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Quidditch matches were coming up as I was so often reminded by my boyfriend, best friend, and everyone at the DA as Halloween approached.

And guess which match was first?

"Gryffindor vs Slytherin will be one hell of a start to the season," Ella mused next to me in the midst of Charms class. We were supposed to mute the frogs that stood on the opposite side of our desks. That is, if the frogs chose to stand still.

"Ron is just about rigid with anxiety over it," Ginny informed us before muting her frog with a jerk from her wrist. I copied after her but didn't see the fruits of my labor thank to my frog making a break for the classroom door.

"I didn't realize Ron made the team," Ella said. I too was under that impression.

"Yeah well, you would if you shared a common room with him. He won't stop talking about it. Fred and George seem to be the only two able to shut him up but that's only when they threaten him with a puking fancy."

"A puking what now?" I repeated, forgetting my frog entirely.

"Her brothers are starting a business with sketchy treats to get kids out of classes. Puking is one of them," Ella informed me with a wiggle of her brow. Her frog bellowed at her as she missed her casting and poked the animal in the side.

"Oh hush, you're fine Mr. Toad." I had never seen a frog give such a look of reproach.

Outside DA meetings, where each new scheduled lesson was constantly argued out by every Quidditch player, almost every conversation I had around Draco revolved around the sport.

"D'you hear Weasley made the team?" Draco asked one day after his shower post-practice.

"I hear he can't block a quaffle to save his life!" Pansy explained with a squeak of hideous laughter that made both Draco and I look at her with disinterest.

"It's true though," Nott added to her defense as he joined the group by the fire.

"I'm aware," Draco said with subtext. "That's why I've come up with a little side project for the incoming match."

"What is it Draco?" Pansy asked, looking up startled from her upside-down copy of her Charms text.

I watched as Draco leaned back on the couch and stretched an arm around me. Always so happy to have all eyes on him.

"Well?" I asked, after a beat.

"Remember those badges I made of Potter last year? Think that but angled after Weasley and his fat luck at saving goals."

"You don't expect us to wear badges of Weasley all around Hogwarts, do you?" Blaise inquired with distaste.

"Course not," Draco confirmed. "Slytherin would wear it just for matches against Gryffindor. I've even started a chant for the match."

"You didn't-" I said in dismay but Draco only smirked cockily at me.

"Want to see it?"

"Not particularly-" but I was drowned out by the others, xnay Blaise, who wanted to read it. Draco fashioned out one of his notebooks that was passed amongst the group while I watched with growing disinterest.

"Remind me again why we have to wear those badges?" I heard Blaise say from the chair next to me.

"You know you won't need to wear the badge while up in the air playing, right? Stop acting like this is a dilemma."

"Yet if you weren't dating the seeker you wouldn't be pressured into wearing it either." I cast Blaise a discarded glance before returning to my work without another word.

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