Chapter 13: School Girl Crush

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"Stay still!"

My camera went off just as Oliver turned his head in the exact opposite direction of my camera like the itch he is. I cursed under my breath and lowered my camera to look at him licking his paws.

"Why must you be so difficult? It's not like you have anything better to do," I groaned to Oliver. He gave me side eye before resuming his self-care to his left paw.

"Screw it, I'm done." I checked my watch to find that afternoon break was nearly over. I had a meeting with Umbridge in ten minutes anyway. I pocketed my camera and started to gather the opened letters amongst the grass.

"Can we go halvies on this?" Sam asked from her spot under the tree; a vial of water in her outstretched hand. "Quidditch practice really does a damper on my complexion." It was the fountain water from Beauxbatons that Jacqueline was kind enough to send me along with a lone cigarette and a quarter page letter.

For Jacqueline, that was considered generous.

"Don't you keep in contact with Marie? She could send you a vial of water."

"I'd rather not ask. Seems an odd thing to request after only one letter back and forth," Sam explained as I added the vial to my bag. Sam sighed deeply as she returned her gaze to the open-ended transfiguration essay on her lap.

"I'd be mental to leave this essay off but I seriously can't think right now." I watched her rub her eyes with her fists as I stood up and swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Just bite the bullet and write something. Otherwise you'll have to do it after Quidditch."

"Fat chance of that happening. Montague is being an absolute arse ever since he became captain. Changing all the rules of practice and plays. I come back dirty and exhausted. Not exactly a good mood to start this piece of rubbish- Hey, where are you going?" She asked noticing me step away.

"Meeting with Umbridge. Remember?" Sam chuckled and looked back to her essay with a more forgiving gaze.

"Right. Have fun with that."

"Uh huh."

Umbridge's office was in the same circular room all the past DADA teachers worked. I remembered last being there when Harry and Ron cornered Lockhart into finding Ginny three years back.

Merlin, that felt like ages ago."


I blinked back my thoughts and looked up to the opened office door where Umbridge stood ushering Nott of all people out of her office. She then turned to me from her perch and waved me up.

Nott paused beside me as Umbridge walked back into her office leisurely.

"You're a sight for sore eyes-"

"Really Nott, do you ever go a day without harassing a girl?" He chuckled oddly confident before walking around me with his hands in his pockets.

"Always a pleasure, Ava. Word of advise, don't drink the tea. God awful stuff," he warned in an undertone before turning on his heels to the door.

I ignored him and followed the stairs to Umbridge's office while questioning what the likes of Nott was doing here. She must be talking to all the top cat's kids to establish superiority or something. Rather cheap move if you ask me.

As I walked into her office, I momentarily convulsed in shock at the sight in front of me.

Pink as far as the eye can see, and a hideous shade at that. Plates with cats meowing at random mounted every inch of wall just in case I wasn't already uncomfortable with one pair of budging eyes on me. And lace trimming on every table top.

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