Chapter 27: Jinxes and Chocolate

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It became clear the moment news spread of Harry and the Weasley twins losing their spots in Quidditch that Umbridge was becoming more of a threat than originally anticipated.

"The fact that McGonagall couldn't even stop her is hard to register," Ella admitted as Ginny explained the news in detail after lunch.

November had brought the first of many snow storms that were to come, causing walks outside or in the courtyards to be less pleasing. So instead we had made ourselves comfortable in an abandoned classroom with some ghosts minding their business playing wizard chess against one wall.

"It means the D.A is that much more important," Ginny concluded warily from her perch on a desk. I was sitting on the windowsill writing a letter to Charlotte on my time back at Hogwarts. She deserved a letter after my long absence in writing but I was having trouble concentrating with the conversation going on around me.

"So what is the Gryffindor team going to do?" Sam asked, returning to the important topic at hand. Ginny shrugged though she looked like she was overthinking something.

"Look for new talent I guess. I mean, they've never had to look for a seeker since Harry came as a first year so..."

"So..." Ella teased, looking at Ginny suspiciously. Ginny sighed, folding in before admitting what was bothering her: the idea of trying out.

"Michael says I should but I don't know... something about the way he speaks makes me think he doesn't believe I can do it."

"Michael is a grouchy git if he can't support his girlfriend on one of the teams," Sam said out of the blue, catching us all by surprise. "Ginny that's a great idea and don't think anything else about it," Sam continued with a sudden and very oddly placed ray of support. But it was what Ginny needed because she smiled at Sam with relief.

"I should be, shouldn't I? You're on a team too and you like the idea-"

"Yeah but Sam has nothing to worry about. She's just that good while Michael is a pathetic excuse of a player in Ravenclaw with nothing to show for it yet." I had to look up at Ella to believe she had really just said that.

"Bit aggressive Ella," Sam eyed her friend curiously. "Where's this coming from?" Ella waved Sam away like a bug.

"I'm not being aggressive. I'm just stating fact. I reckon if Michael is acting two-faced it's because he's fretting about his own skill at Quidditch and doesn't want to compete with his girlfriend. You on the other hand," she added turning on Sam, "were carrying the Slytherin team with Theo and would have won had it not been for Malfoy's poor excuse of flying."

There was a silence where only the sounds of subtle cursing came from one of the ghosts on the losing end of their chess game erupted alongside the scribbles from my quill on parchment.

"What do you think of all this Ava? You seem to have plenty of players in this conversation," Ella inquired, turning the group my way. I glanced up to see all but Ginny looking at me.

"Sam and Theo make a good team but new players like Ginny would be good to test them. As for Draco...Well, I think no matter what Ginny should tryout. Not doing so on fear of not getting in or having your boyfriend to deal with is insignificant-"

"So if Malfoy was telling you not to do something, you wouldn't listen to him, is that it?" Ginny asked, her tone sounding uneven. Frown lines appeared on Sam's brow but she kept quiet and watched while I responded.

"He doesn't know anything about the D.A if that's a good enough example for you."

"But what about in Quidditch?" Ella asked, getting back on subject. "If he told you no, would you still do it?"

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