Chapter 3: It-Girl for Dummies

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It only took until dinner for that conversation between Charlotte and I to take effect. I had just joined the mother and daughter for dinner when I was asked to extend my stay at the lodge for "at least another week if not more".

Naturally, I could not refuse, and so after accepting gratefully and sharing a positive glance from Charlotte, I spent the rest of the evening feeling rather pleased with myself. My mother was going to be over the moon.

The following morning, I was awoken bright and early by Charlotte, already dressed in a burnt orange overall dress with a cream pullover to compliment her dark skin. That sharp spark was ever present in her gaze as I opened the door in nothing but my silk pj set; my matching sleep mask dangling out of my bed head hair.

"Did I miss something or do you always wake your guests at zero dark thirty after the first week?" I quipped through a yawn as I learned on the white door. Charlotte chuckled softly before making her way into my room.

"I thought you said you were a natural early bird."

"I am," I confirmed, closing the door. "But never a 6 am early bird. Especially after a night of drinking I don't know how many glasses of Elder wine." Charlotte winced at the thought and turned my way apologetically.

"I can get a house elf to brew you a hangover potion if you'd like. You may need it with the busy schedule we have today."

"Schedule," I repeated, stopping short by my full bed. The covers were a mess but still managed to retain some of the heat from where I last lay. I sat down and watched as Charlotte turned to my closet where I had let out my outfits to settle.

"You passed the test," Charlotte informed me, as she started to go through my outfits. "So naturally my mother wants to get to work immediately."

"And what work does that entail, exactly?" I asked, eyeing Charlotte closely as she pulled out one of my cashmere tops.

"It means," she said, placing the top back and turning my way, "that you have a photoshoot in thirty minutes, so get out of bed and fix your hair."

I'm sure there are many girls out there who would be overjoyed at the possibility to be involved in a photoshoot, even if they had to wake early to do it. I don't know if it was because I was already spoiled rotten, or just was hung over, but those words from Charlotte did little to spike my excitement. Rather, I glanced to the window, where it showed the dark sky.

"You're getting photographed at sunrise," Charlotte explained further, nearing the bed. She held a pair of my jean trousers in one arm and a lose oxford in the other.

"And you want me to wear that," I responded in full judgement, eyeing the mismatched clothes. Charlotte only rose a brow in response.

"Dare go against my direction?" I met her steady gaze for a moment before breaking it with a snort of laughter. A gentle smile appeared on Charlotte's face as she placed the clothes next to me.

"The rest of your clothes are too fancy for the environment we are shooting. A horse range in Channel?" She snorted and turned back to my closet. "Where are your cloaks? Everything here is no-maj."

"That's my style," I informed her with a small smile. My hand trailed over the stiff collar of the oxford slowly, my thoughts returning to what my mother would think of me in such an outfit. She might resend the article for this. The thought made my smile grow.

"This will do nicely," Charlotte announced, returning to the bed with my cloak in forest green. The collar was lined in fox fur that made my hair stand out in golden streaks. I took it from her and waited for more instruction but Charlotte looked about done.

Rise of the Death Eaters [3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora