Chapter 46: I Must Not Tell Lies

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"Where did he go?"

It was Umbridge. Just as soon as the daze of red blasted me back, I felt myself readjusting to the office around me. Next to me, Harry and Professor McGonagall were also sitting back up. Umbridge was scrambling to her feet alongside Fudge who looked to be blinking back stars.

"He's gone!" The wizard in blue exclaimed, being the first to stand up. The guards that had collapsed against the walls bordering the door were struggling to their feet as he spoke.

"He must have disapparated!" one declared.

"Not possible," Umbridge snapped. "You can't disapparate on the grounds."

But the two guards thought otherwise and were already on their way out of the office in search for the man at large.

As for Fudge, he quietly got himself back up with the help of the fireplace arch, before turning to the students and McGonagall. She was already standing but Harry, Marietta and I were watching everything from the ground.

"Now what to do with you three..."

"They cannot be charged with any crime," McGonagall defended immediately. "It was Dumbledore you wanted, not them."

"We shall see about that," Umbridge snapped back, coming toward us. She was looking from Harry to me with a brightening that called for trouble. "Prime Minister-"

"I know of Potter's reasoning for being here and of that of Miss Edgecombe but as for this one here-" he began, turning towards me with a suspicious glance. He obviously did not remember me. Go figure.  McGonagall was regarding the situation tensely but I knew she couldn't do much now Dumbledore was gone. I wasn't even in her house to be protected.

"She, Prime Minister," Umbridge began, "worked extensively to send my members in wrong directions to extend this catastrophe from happening! If there were two students who should be made an example of this mess it's both of them!"

"Ava could not have done such a thing," Professor McGonagall insisted, turning between Umbridge and Fudge. "Like you heard, Dumbledore only just planned this meeting into effect this evening. How could the girl hold back the might of the Inquisitor Squad as you so ardently put it, Dolores?"

"This girl is as bad as the lot of them and I want her expelled. Immediately!" Umbridge snapped back, turning on Fudge with a such rage, the man actually stepped back.

Harry was listening to this quietly before giving me a look that seemed to wake me from my silence. If my schooling was on the line, now was as good as ever to retaliate.

"There must be some misunderstanding!" I demanded, sending the adults to turn to me. I got to my feet and directed my attention to Fudge. "It's true that I was a part of this meeting but I couldn't possibly have gone against Professor Umbridge in such a way. My father has taught me better than that."

"Your father?" Fudge repeated, with a raised brow. "Come now, girl, you can't expect me to believe you off of the word of you parent, whomever he is."

"Her father is no one, Prime minister," Umbridge replied a beat too quickly. It was perfect timing for a name drop after all.

"On the contrary, Prime Minister," I replied politely, "We've met before. You were kind enough to invite my family to your box for the Quidditch World Cup. My father is Darious Fountaine."

Like Draco said, my father's name did wonders. Fudge dropped his negligent air with one of fatherly displeasure as he turned away from Umbridge's words of the contrary and focused more so on me.

"Your father will not be pleased to hear of what you've done. For your school, to your professors and to me. Do you understand the position you have placed me in?"

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