It Should've Been the Head

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This was the worst way to spend your Friday night. Smearing mud across your face to hide fair skin and slinking through the woods sucked. The freaking vampires couldn't hide in a nice penthouse apartment in the city. Nooo that was crazy talk. Instead this nest chose a cutesie pootsie farm house in the butt crack of almost no where. How stereotypical.

To get here had been a nightmare, dodging people with serious road rage on the freeway left you fuming. You could've crushed one driver with your lifted Ford Raptor, but that 67 Impala was too beautiful to even think about wrecking.

You regretted leaving your night vision goggles with the truck, you could've used them in the low light. But dawn wasn't far away. You gripped your knife so tight it could've become a part of your bones. Leaves crunched beneath your shoes and you froze, through the low hanging branches you spotted the porch lights from the house. You stopped and crouched behind a fallen tree, "And now we wait for sunrise," you muttered barely above a whisper.

"I'm afraid I don't have the patience," the feminine tone was the only sound behind you.
You spun around to face it's owner, the way it crept up on you hinted towards only one thing. You had a second to bring your knife up.
The vampire woman lunged at you, impaling herself on the blade dipped in dead man's blood. She gasped and her raven hair hid her face as she fell and moaned into the forest floor.

You kneeled over her, pinning her arms down. It took one sharp shove through her throat, and the knife cleaved her spinal cord from the body. The blood spray was instant. You clamped your mouth, but your face cooled in the wind from the wet gore. Sh!t that was loud. You wipe your blade clean on the vampire's shirt.

Two hands gripped you and dragged you off the body, keeping a painful hold on the back of your neck. It didn't take long for your eyes to roll into your skull. You tried to thrash and fight, but knew it was pointless. You had been discovered. And there was no one here to save you.

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