Officially my Forever and Always (2/2)

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Don't start listening to the song while reading this until the chapter says when to. There'll be a part of the chapter where I'll say: *PLAY*.
Then start playing it. I'm very excited to see how the song will affect the part of the chapter when you read it. I was thinking if there was a piano version, this could turn out so beautiful.
I hope these 2 parts turned out well, I'm not the biggest wedding girl, but I'm just gonna write it how I pictured Jim's and Claire's wedding. Enjoy you guys!

Third person POV:
"Do you have everything done? Bought? Dressed up? Rehearsed well? I mean that was yesterday but I think you may need to be more prepared for this kiddo. Stressing out? I just hope you-"

"-mom, calm down! Your stressing out more than I thought I would" Jim said almost laughing at his mother in front of him. They were both down in trollmarket in a cave where he and his mother were talking while Jim was getting ready.
Claire was in another cave all the way across the market with her family and friends, who were still to this day, getting used to the market that's been below their feet for centuries.
Jim and Claire decided to have their wedding in the place they spent their time together most back in the past. They wanted it to feel more special to them this way than just spending theirs in a church like most people normally would.
He didn't expect her to be the one to freak out out of the people he'd see before the wedding.

"Sorry Jim, I'm just-"

"Mom it's fine. There's not much to buy except for chairs and decorations".

"What about music for afterwards? Who's gonna-"

"Krel's happily offered to DJ and I said yes. He'll do great".

"What about foo-"

"We bought and made some-"

"Jim lake jr, Can you stop interrupting me for just one second?" His mother asked with severe tone added to her question.

Her son tensed up a bit looking at his mother.


Then he gestured her to go on with what she was gonna say.

Barbara sighed, a little annoyed.

"No no, it's fine. What were you gonna say?".

"Well...theres a place here me, Claire and Toby used to go to with blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!! And the rest of the trolls to eat. I made some food to add to the stuff you, Claire and Ophelia ordered that I picked up this morning and dropped off where I was just talking about, and others dropped some stuff off to. The trolls coming know what to expect if some show up and we by now, everyone who's coming has been to Arcadia and seen trolls before. Some of our family has actually made some friends with them".

Barbara chuckled then smiled at her son.

"Yeah, your grandparents even call blinky every now and then".

Jim laughed, happy at the fact his family's been warming up well the the other part of his double life.

"Speaking of which, Blink said he's told the trolls there's gonna be a wedding there tonight once we start eating. Blinky had to explain what humans do for most of their weddings since trolls get married a little differently than humans. Even though we're getting married how trolls do..."

"I'm not on board with any of this if it's like mine and Strickler's thing he did to me..."

"No! No no no no, definitely not mom, I'd never want to do that. It's actually pretty interesting. Before I proposed last year, I umm...I-I actually looked into it and found out since troll marriages are much longer and much more meaningfully than human marriages..."

My World of Loving You - Jlaire One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora