Life Changing Descision

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Hey Guys!

I'm sorry about the long wait, cause to be honest, I didn't even know how I'd write it.

I didn't really know how I would, but once I finally had some ideas coming to my head for this one, it was just a few short weeks from Mother's Day. Then I went 'oh! With the subject title, this could really work out!' Lol.

So, I apologize for the long wait, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it.


Just a disclaimer, with what this is kind of revolving around, there's gonna be a certain flashback scene included to show how it led up to what happened. It's the first flashback. The first one is the only one I'm giving a slight warning for. You won't miss much if you don't want to, I just wanted to let you know in advance. It'll go back to normal font after each one. Anyways, enjoy you guys! :)

This ones a request from: @hulseyc

Timeline: A few short months after Trollhunters Rise of the Titans.

Third Person POV:

Mother's Day.

A day where mothers are appreciated for everything they do and are.

Jim and his mother always had such a nice day hanging out each Mother's Day. Being the guy he is, Jim would always deliver Barbara breakfast in bed when she woke up, and cook her favourite supper while participating in some of her favourite things for the other parts of the day.

Being the amazing mother she is, Jim even after she  found out about his trollhunting knew how understanding she was, and just deserved such appreciation with how good of a person she was. 

Toby never having a mother would sometimes play some board games with his Nana like she loved to do (cause after years of helping, she still didn't understand go-go sushi).

But every year, Toby would visit Jim and Barbara for an hour or two that day since he knew Barbara for so many years, and considered her like a second mother to him. She always thought it was so sweet of him to stop by, and allowed him to stay for lunch sometimes when all three of them would talk. Most of the times he'd visit, Nana would pop over to talk to Barbara too. Not for as long as Toby of course, but liked to talk to Barbara and the kids together when she'd like.

For Claire however, it was never the easiest holiday.

Claire and her mother never saw eye to eye on things, and Ophelia always put her job before her daughter. She was much more strict on Claire's grades and it hurt Claire how little faith she still had in her daughters strength. She was grateful her mom let her go with Jim to New Jersey, but could tell still after getting home that her mother didn't fully think she could've done all of what she did alone.

Claire understood at times that her mother still wasn't crazy about her daughter getting involved in things like trolls, wizards and wars. Claire's seen it all and it's scary to think of your own child involved in them, no matter the age. They were getting a little closer each day with at least having something to talk about with everything from when she left to coming home from New Jersey and New York City with the Arcane Order battle, but not by much.

Nonetheless, Claire, her father, and Enrique each year would take Ophelia out to a restaurant she loved every year. She'd always choose and tell them where would be a nice place to go around noon, then they'd make the reservations. This year thought, they had to do it a few days early since Ophelia had a lot to do, being council woman and all, there was a lot to do for her at work lately, so their doing it early this time to still celebrate.

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