Nuñez Explaination

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Hey guys!

I just realized that this book just reached over 20k in views!! Thank you guys so much!! I know how much I love reading jlaire fanfics, and lately there really hasn't been much around. And you know what they say: if it's not done, then do it yourself lol. So I wanna thank you guys from the bottom of my heart and it always warms my heart when you tell me how much you love reading these. It always makes me smile and start up some more brainstorming for the next ones I'm thinking of writing. So thank you so much and without further a due, here's the next one! Hope you guys like it!

Third Person POV:

Well, now that's out.

It's been only an hour since the goblin infestation at Jim's house where all the trollhunters guardians found out about them. And before going to save AAARRRGGHH!!! And get the staff of Avalon, they may need to calm their parents (or nana) by giving them a little more info.

Telling them that all three of them are trollhunters really shocked and caught them by surprise, and even just seeing that this stuff is real did as well. But only telling them the title of who they were, especially since not much info was shared after the goblin attack happened, seemed cruel to them to do.

So before leaving, the group spent some time trying to discuss this with their parents. Barbara didn't need much discussion other than to ask if Jim's friends have been with him since the beginning (since she didn't know if they were or not back when she knew about Jim earlier) and ask about a few things that happened when she was spelled to not remember any of this. She didn't know how much danger he's gotten himself into since then, and she wanted to hear whatever he'd tell her.

It took a while to get through to Nana with much of this, the poor grandmother not really understanding much of this at all, while after a few minutes of talking, Claire took her parents to Jim's kitchen. She knew how her parents could be, especially with Jim, and she didn't wanna see anyone start a five to ten people argument.

Minutes went by and Claire's parents were still speechless. Claire was almost breaking down nervous about everything her parents would wanna say to her after finding out the truth, but she kept her head high and didn't show any nerves.

"Mom?" She asked. "Papa?" She spoke again, attempting to get their attention. "Can you please say something? Anything?".

Her mother Ophelia stood quietly there for another few seconds before finally speaking to her daughter.

"This...this is what you've been getting into? This is what you'd never tell us?".

"Mom, I-"

"I understand there's things I don't understand, but...bu-but how did you even get mixed up in all of this? I may not know much about this after only a few hours at most, but I know for a fact that this is dangerous. I mean, your a sixteen year old girl honey! This looks like terrifying stuff!".


"And I know you guys and Barbara made it clear that Jim knows more about this and is in this deeper than you guys, but how so? How much is he into this that he can save everyone here? Being the only one who can defeat some thing planing to get us all?".

"Mom!" Claire said loud and firmly, finally catching her Mother's attention. "Cant you trust us? That's another thing Barbara pointed out. Don't you believe in me?".

"I do. I do hon...but I know when you started getting into this. When you began sneaking out of the house or acting strange. It's not like that happened years and years ago. I just don't know if with that little amount Do you even get training? That you could do this and not get hurt. Or even killed!".

My World of Loving You - Jlaire One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin