Valentine's Trip

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Hey guys!

I had a hard time brainstorming for this one, but I'm hoping it'll turn out a little better than what I'm thinking.
On a special day like this, these two kids need a serious break.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV:

Valentine's Day.

A day to spend with your loved ones, and that one special person that means most to you.

Valentine's fell on the two week mark for after the events of Camelot and the Arcane Order, but some people were still tied from the whole thing.

Jim and Claire were thrilled to return home to their families, and their parents couldn't have been more excited to see them again. Especially Barbara. Of course she loved her son no matter what he looked like or what he was, but it was still such a tearful reunion to see him as the Jim she knew most when he returned home.

They both couldn't really get their heads around that this was their first Valentine's together. It felt like they were together for much longer, but here they were. Claire had something bought for Jim, but Jim had different plans.

Most people expect Claire knew what he planning, and a few like his mother, and even Claire's parents lent him some money for the occasion. He started thinking of, and planning this, a little over a week after his transformation back. Toby was the last person Jim told, since he wanted to hear his thoughts after he was done planning.

The day before Valentine's Day:

"Ok, where are we going again? We're getting close to trollmarket" Toby asked.

Trollmarket was currently being built back up with the help of the trolls, and Claire's portals. She and some others have been portaling to New Jersey to get enough of its heartstone to power up, and fix, the one in Arcadia.

"Well, you wanted to know what I was planning for Claire tomorrow, right?".

"Wait Really? You're finally gonna tell me? Bout time, I started feeling left out" Toby joked.

Jim rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, I didn't tell a lot of people. Mom was the one telling a few others, even though I asked her not to".

"Ohh. Anyways, the only thing you told me you were thinking about doing was a trip or something right? You mentioned that a few days ago".

"Yeah, that's still what I'm thinking" Jim said smiling, as they both approached the canal.

"But Jim, you know if you plan to go somewhere, you can't just tell Claire before you go, right? What if she doesn't have an emotional anchor there?" Toby asked.

"This might not be the...most un-nauseating way to get there, but I was planning on taking the gyre there".

Toby's eyes grew wide, then looked right at Jim.

"Haha Jimbo, I highly doubt the gyre's still standing after everything a few months ago" Toby said referring to the eternal night.

5 minutes later:

They were both standing in front of the gyre, a little rusty and dirty, but not destroyed.

"Well... never mind then" Toby said in defeat.

"I came down here after getting the idea to use it and it was buried under a bunch of stuff. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Actually helped me to get it standing back up just two days ago".

"Ohhhhh" Toby said with his mouth a little open in realization. "What's why wingman didn't explain where he was going. It's not like it's a secret for me Jimbo" Toby said a little offended as Jim just laughed.

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