Uninterupted Fate

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Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't been as active releasing any one-shots for a while, but my heads been going blank with ideas for requests.

This one and one of the next ones I'm releasing are requests from readers, and this one: @Hannah_Mohamed842 requested I've been really looking forward to writing! Sorry it took a while, it took some time to get some ideas for this one so it wouldn't be too short or anything. But I do I hope you enjoy it! A part of me has always wondered how this episode could've ended without Claire remembering, so thank you so much for recommending it! :)

By the way, if I mess up some of the dancing parts, it's only cause when I was going back and forth between writing this and the scene, I got kind of confused with their hand placements. I never recognized how confused I was with that until really watching the scene lol, so I apologize if I don't write that part entirely right.

This ones about what could've happened if Claire never remembered why Angor took her purse.

Jim's POV:

I turned to a song on my phone I saved just for this earlier tonight and placed it on my Vespa. I turned my head to look at her, just standing there gazing at me as I gazed back at her, slowly walking sideways.

As she watched me walk sideways, she did the same and smiled at me. I looked towards the ground as I stopped in my tracks for a second, then smiled larger at the floor before looking back up at her and walking towards her. She did the same, then slightly blushed towards the ground. I let out a small chuckle before reaching my left hand down to hers. She looked at me then towards my hand grabbing hers.
As she smiled largely back up at me, I raised our joined hands, and spun her to the side. I then extended both our arms further apart, not letting go of her, or my grin.

"Gotcha" I said as I spun her underneath my arms, getting a laugh from her in return after I extended hers and my arm far apart.

After I pulled her back, and put my arm on her waist as she put a hand on my shoulder and held my hand with the other, she opened her mouth to speak.

"I know you'll be devastated, but you lost" she said sarcastically before rolling her eyes at her next comment. "Steve, is our spring king".

As she was saying her last comment, I let go of her, and circled around her, making her turn her head to see what I was doing.

"It's funny, I don't feel like a loser" I said as I danced a little in front of her.

As she realized what I meant, her jaw slightly dropped, and her eyes widened until I walked back to her, getting close and looked down towards her hand.

"Eres tan, embriagante Eres tú" I sang along to the song as I took a hold of her hand and spun her around, extending one of our arms, and extended the other two to the opposite side, like we were stretching our arms apart.

I pulled her back to me, and spun us both quickly, making her gasp.

"Ha ha!" I said teasingly, making her laugh, and me as well when I quickly dipped her.

"Eres tú" I sang along again, pulling her gently with me and extending our arms and spinning up both once more.

She let out a quiet laugh before I gently pulled her back towards me. We held onto each other's hips, and swayed slowly with the music. She looked towards the ground again then looked back up at me, grinning at her.

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