Thanks To You

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Hey guys!

I'm actually pretty excited for this one. With all these supportive people in general Jim his in his life, there's so much to write about to be thankful for in this Thanksgiving special.

Hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV

This was a fun day to look forward to for the gang.

Thanksgiving can be such a fun holiday for folks. Some just enjoy it for the food, and some just love being around the ones they love. And couldn't be more thankful that they're a part of their lives.

Jim and Barbara were planning on hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, only two to three months after Jim, Claire, and Blinky returned from their adventures off in New Jersey. The trolls were still in the trollmarket they found there after travelling such a long distance for it, and Claire would portal herself, and a few others there to help out there, and make sure everything and everyone was ok. Blinky would sometimes spend days on end there, but thankfully still had his phone he got a while back to contact Claire if he wanted to return back to Arcadia.

In the meantime though, everyone was now getting ready for the holiday. The ones here, Jim, Claire, Toby, Krel, and Douxie would be joining, including Strickler, Nancy and the Nuñez's as well. Everyone was coming, so it would be a big event for the Lakes. Jim did most of the cooking as he always did, but of course felt a little more stress to do so around this Thanksgiving with the amount of people coming over and eating his food.

The day before Thanksgiving, Jim was home alone while his mom was at work, and Strickler was having an evening with the Darkland babies with a friend, mainly cause he didn't wanna leave the house and have Jim need to care for all those kids by himself alone at home. Toby was on a date with Darci, something Toby was looking forward to after her and her family were busy all week.

Jim was finishing up cooking some parts to his Thanksgiving dinner, beginning to hum a melody to himself as he then got his mind lost in the song. So lost, that he didn't even hear the back door creek open while he was humming and cooking. He continued humming as footsteps made their way toward Jim, in front of him cooking on the counter. He kept humming, lost in his own little world, before looking up.

"Ahh!" Jim yelled, startled to see a face so close and near him that it startled him enough to have him fall on his rear end.

The person giggled before going behind the counter and reached their hand out to Jim to pull him up.

"C-Claire? How-how long have you been here?" He asked her, slowly taking her hands and pulling himself up with Claire's assistance.

"Sorry. Only a few seconds ago. I came in through the back door this time".

"Kinda shocked you didn't portal here with finally having such easier access to getting here, you know, with not having your staff for a while" he said straightening out his clothes after standing up.

"Felt like taking a walk. Sorry for startling you".

"No no it's fine, it's good to see you actually. I'm normally not home alone very often anymore so it's nice to see a familiar face after a few hours. And I haven't seen you for a few days with you being with your friends and family more often lately too, I've been starting to miss you".

Claire showed a sweet smile before walking closer to Jim and wrapping her arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. Jim wrapped his arms around Claire tightly, smiling happily with her in his arms again.

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