17. Agony Begins

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Shigaraki Pov

We traveled back to base with the flow unconscious boy. I had Kurogiri warp him to a room and restrain him so he can't escape while I got myself a drink and grumbled that the actual plan of killing AllMight didn't work, but instead we got a possible new villain. While grumbling, I heard Sensei's voice over the TV.

All for one : Tomura,did the plan succeed? And why did you bring back that boy?

Shigaraki : No the plan failed! AllMight's still alive and Nomu was killed!

All for one : Killed you say? By whom? I doubt AllMight would've killed him.

Shigaraki : Nomu got killed by that kid! The kid had some insane regeneration so I tested it by having nomu pierce his stomach. It healed rather quickly so I hurt him more. But then he turned into some sort of monster after I told nomu to crush his head! He 3 weird red tendrils protruding from his back and his speed and strength was all amped up! He killed nomu by piercing its head after stabbing it a countless amount of times in the torso!

All for one : Hmmmm, very intriguing quirk... So, why did you bring him?

I smiled as he asked this.

Shigaraki : To take out my frustrations from the failed plan. And because he's quirk is too good to be used for heroism. I'll have our friend torture him till he decides to join.

All for one : Hahaha! OK then Tomura. I'll leave you to it.

Shigaraki :Thank you, Sensei.

The TV switched off as I took out my phone to call our contact to torture boy. My scrolling stopped when I reached the name of the contact before tapping it. After a couple seconds, he picked up.

??? : Huh?! Shigaraki?! To what do I owe this pleasure?

Shigaraki : Cut the crap. I have a job for you. I need you to torture someone for us. He has regeneration too to sweeten the deal.

??? : Hmmmm, very tempting... Okay, I'll do it!

Shigaraki : Glad you're on bored, Yamori...

~At UA~

Katsuki Pov

'What the fuck...! They kidnapped Deku after he passed out from defeating that humanoid fuck, and we didn't even help him... We all just stayed here but wanting to be around him, the "villain", yet he was the most heroic here, despite losing control... Dammit, how could I let such a lame excuse stop me from backing him up at least!

I thought to myself as the police arrived at USJ to investigate along with some ambulances. They checked our class for injuries and the police started finishing up on asking us questions on what took place.

Policeman : So aside from the teachers and the boy who was kidnapped, the rest of you are all unscathed. Thank you, that'll be all for now.

Four Eyes: I'm so disappointed in myself. Even though we shunned him, Izuku still helped us and we didn't even back him up. Loss of control or not, we neglected our classmate because of his "villainous quirk". We are not worthy of being heroes.

Round face : Iida, what are you talking about? They clearly "kidnapped" him because he was a part of them this whole time! He's the reason this whole incident occurred in the first place!

Frog : Actually, Uraraka... I agree with Iida... When we were separated, he came up with a plan that he would use himself as a distraction for myself and Mineta to escape, and trusted me, even after being ignored by us as a class, to save him from being caught by the villains... I don't think he's as bad as we made him out to be...

Mineta : But what about what he did to Iida and Bakugo during training?! That was clearly not right!

Katsuki : Oi, fucker! He wasn't in control of himself that time! That fucking Deku had some incident before coming here, giving him that strange power, and I intend to find out!

After saying that, I walked away, now angry I couldn't beat up more villains.

When we got back to the school, we were told that school would be canceled for a few days, to give the students a rest and the heroes time to look for the shitty Nerd.

~ At LoV hideout~

Deku Pov

I awoke in a strange room that had a chequered white and black floor. I tried standing up, but was halted due to my arms and legs being chained to a chair that was bolted to the ground.

Izuku : W-what the?! W-where am I?! Nnnnngh! Dammit, why won't these break?!

??? :  Because I've reinforced them so that even your strength can't break them.

Izuku : W-who's there?!

Shigaraki : My, my. You sure are demanding, considering the position you're in.

Izuku : You! What do you want with me?! What happened to my class?!

Shigaraki : Oh, so you don't remember? Well, you killed my nomu before passing out. Then AllMight came, but we managed to escape, along with kidnapping you!

He said with the biggest smile ever.

Izuku : W-what do you want from me...?

He's smile just seemed to get wider if possible.

Shigaraki : We want you to join us, honestly. Your quirk isn't suitable for heroic deeds anyway.

Izuku : No! I-I won't join you! I'm not a villain!

Shigaraki : I thought you'd say that. So I brought in some help. Yamori!!

When he called out the name, a huge, bulky man dressed in a white suit walked out of the shadows, wearing a white mask with small holes in it.

Yamori : Yes, Shigaraki?

Shigaraki : This is the boy. Torture him to your heart's content until he decides to join us. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Enjoy.

Yamori : Oh, you're quite young. I heard you have quite the regeneration too. Let's start then! Now, what's 1000 minus 7?

Izuku : N-no! Stay away! Stay aw-AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!


Okeh, here's a quick chapter to set up the next one. Not really much going on in it but oh well.

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