11. Entrance Exams Part 2

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Deku Pov

After finishing the written test, which was quite easy I guess, I made my way to the battle centre I must go to. I avoided everyone there as to not draw attention to myself and rested against a wall.

After some more people came, a voice over the loudspeakers echoed throughout the fake city

Present Mic: Are you ready? START!

Getting quite confused but not questioning it, I jumped up and ran through the doors that opened up to the city and started looking for robots.

After a few minutes, I found a cluster of 1,2 and 3 pointers crowded up and lunged towards them. Using my sort of invulnerable body and increased strength , I tanked their attacks and gave my own, destroying the robots left and right. I punched a hole through a 2 pointer, only for a 3 pointer behind it to charge at me and knock me into some rubble.

I got up and knocked my shoulder back into place and wiping a smidge of blood from my mouth. I then launched myself at the robot and kicked its head, destroying it.

~In an observation room ~

A group of teachers from the school were all sitting down, watching screens showing different examinees attacking robots.

??? : Hmmmm, this batch of examinees aren't half bad, I'd say.

??? : You are correct there. They show a lot of promise.

??? :Hey, look there, isn't that the kid with the weird eye and tough body?

All the teachers look to the screen, and it did in fact show Izuku taking out the cluster of robots.

??? : Hmm, Eraser, u seem to have taught him well.

Eraserhead : It wasn't really me. The kid just had the determination to be taught.

??? : Oh well. Let's see how these examinees fare against almost unstoppable odds!

They said as they pressed a big red button, sending in the 0 pointer.

~Back to battle centre ~

Deku Pov

At this point, I had about 30 points in total. I went off to find more, when suddenly the ground started shaking. I looked up to see the massive 0 pointer towering over the buildings and smashing them to pieces. I immediately thought to run away and get more points, that is, until I heard a cry for help.

Looking in the direction, I saw a girl stuck under some debris. Not wasting any time after realizing that the robot wasn't going to see her and would crush her, I ran towards her as fast as I could,running past many examinees telling be to run the other way.

Once I got there, I tried lifting the massive piece of rubble, but it wouldn't budge. I tried again and with some intense struggle, I managed to just barely get it high enough for her to crawl out.

Seeing that she wouldn't be able to walk, much less run, I quickly picked her up and started running away from the giant robot. When I got to a safe distance, I set her down and not long after, the announcement for the end of the exam echoed in the city. Everyone started walking off to go home, and I was no exception.

I made my way out the gates and headed in the direction of my home. On my way, I stopped at a nearby Cafe and ordered a donut and some coffee for energy. I I satisfyingly drank the warm beverage and wondered if I got enough points to make it in.

After a while, I left the cafe and went home. Upon arriving, I went to my room and fell asleep due to exhaustion from the exam. I figured the results would voice come in about a week or so and decided to use this time to rest, which is what I did as within a few seconds, I was fast asleep.

Okeh. Imma end this here. Sorry for the wait and sorry for the short chapter. I thought of prolonging it but it's 1am rn and my brain's not functioning at 100%. Anyhoozle, hopes u enjoys the chap for now.

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