8. The Truth

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Deku Pov

Eraserhead : Kid, what in the world have you been through?

'Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shiiiiiiiiit! They saw my reaction! They're asking about me! They're going to think I'm a monster and then I'm never be a hero! Why?! Why?!'

Izuku : ...

Eraserhead : ... *Sigh* okay then. Get up.

I looked up at him shocked and so did the rest of the people around me who I now notice to be Pro Heroes.

Izuku : Wha-what? Why?

Eraserhead : All the evidence found points to you. Not to mention, your saliva was found around the victim. Care to explain your way out of that?

He said standing up. I was panicking heavily. I attacked someone, got caught by the heroes, and am now being interrogated into revealing what happened. Well shit.

Izuku : D-did you see the news last month? About the doctor who preformed a transpl surgery in two individuals without the permission of their parents?

Eraserhead : Yes I have. What does this have to do with the crime?

Izuku : ... I'm coming clean...

Eraserhead: Okay then fine. Proceed.

He said gesturing towards me. I did as he said and continued.

Izuku: Well you see, I'm the boy who has received the organs of the already deceased woman. Her organs were still in good shape so they transferred it to me who was attacked and lost some organs.

A few of the heroes either gasped or their eyes widened a bit. Still, I continued.

Izuku : W-well, the reason I lost M-my organs was because, on that day, I was bullied by my former childhood friend because I was quirkless . Once he had finished, I decided to go home, before I stumbled upon a woman who needed help as she was lost. I helped her and we were in our way to get home as she asked me to accompany her.

Th-though, while walking through an alley she had stopped moving saying she was hungry whilst holding her stomach. I looked at her and offered to help her stand up properly, only for her to suddenly b-bite into my shoulder... When I wanted to look at her face, I was met with a red tendril like limb come out of her lower back an inch away from my eye. She then looked at me and her eyes were black with a red pupil...

When I finished this part, some of the heroes had concerned looks on.

'They won't be feeling concerned for long...'

Izuku : After I had seen her eyes she said something along the lines of " Oh my God! I've never tasted someone so delicious!". After hearing that, I ran away to a construction site nearby. I didn't get far though as her tendrils had extended and pierced me through the side of my stomach. She then threw me against a wall before getting ready to finish me off, only for steel beams to fall on her crushing and killing her. Before blacking out I heard someone call for an ambulance.

Once I awoke, I was in a hospital bed and feeling fine. I saw that I never had a scar from where she had stabbed me which was a relief. Though it was short-lived. I was then told that I was saved by the doctors using the organs of the woman who attacked me, though they didn't know that, and transferring it to me. I was happy until they brought me ramen for lunch. It didn't seem as appealing as normal. When. I took a bite, it felt like eating trash from a week ago. I immediately ran to the toilet and puked. After that I never ate and after a while, I was discharged. At home wasn't any better.

My mom wasn't home and I was feeling hungry. I ate leftovers but the same thing occurred. Once it entered my mouth I instantly needed to puke it out. I then looked up at the mirror to see that my left eye was just like the woman's who attacked me. Black with a red pupil. I then kept rushing back and forth from the fridge to the toilet. Eating then puking. Though it didn't help. I got fed up to the point I took a knife and aimed it down towards where the surgery took place and thrust the knife down. Only for it to bend backwards. I lost hope and fell to the ground after that before seeing some coffee. I grabbed it and chugged it, and it surprisingly calmed down my sudden intense hunger enough to think properly. Realizing that I could drink coffee, I went out to buy more, but on the way home, I smelled something that caused me to almost drool from how delicious it smelled. I regrettably followed the scent, only to c-come across a d-dead body.

I was horrified that I was attracted by a corpse, though for some reason, I kept inching closer to it until directly above. That was when my senses went haywire as I all of a sudden dropped towards the body and s-s-started e-e-e-eating it!

I say now crying. I still haven't come to terms with my new life. I looked at the heroes and some were shocked, some were horrified and the rest seemed disgusted. Can't blame them though.

Izuku : By the time I realized what I had done, the body was already unrecognizable. I ran back home after that not wanting to be seen. After that day, I never felt the need to eat. During that period, the sludge villain incident occurred and I helped out the boy in trouble. Then it started. I was thinking about what to do about eating since I want to a hero, even if I have this villainous quirk. Anyway, whilst thinking, I remembered what happened and became surprised at how quickly I had gotten over it. I screamed at myself in the mirror because I saw my eye changed at that time as well. My eye just randomly changes at times and it changed at the time when my mom walked in wondering why I yelled.

When she saw me, she shrieked at seeing me and, using her quirk, she threw a knife at me and calling me a monster, only for it to break. I got angry that she would attack me without even asking what was wrong, and kicked her in the gut knocking her out. At this point, my hunger acted up again and I jumped out the window.

Then the pain of hunger got so unbearable that I fell into an alley. Then a man entered, hearing the thud of something falling. Once he had gotten closer, I had unconsciously attacked him and ripped off his arm before eating it. Then I regained my senses and stopped myself from killing the man, though I still took his arm. After stopping myself, I fled, but forgot I was still covered in blood. Then someone reported me and that's when you started chasing me due to their report of someone attacked by a villain. And that's pretty much all that's happened and why I was covered in blood.

I looked up again and saw mixed looks from the heroes. Since still had disgusted and horrified looks, but there were some that looked at me with a sad eyes and sympathy. That really shocked me. And it was given by ERASERHEAD along with the animal looking thing and HIM! Then HE spoke up.

AllMight: Hi there young man...

Izuku : AllMight...

Some seemed surprised I knew his identity, but Eraserhead and the animal seemed to notice the venom in the way I said it.

AllMight : *cough* I just wanted to ask how you managed to survive the metal piece that the sludge villain launched at you.

Izuku : ... Well if something manages to pierce my body, I also have a healing ability.

AllMight : Okay thank you.

He said stepping back before Eraserhead stepped forward and started unlocking the restraints around me while saying.

Eraserhead : Okay, now that we've been told your story, you are free to go. Though there will be repercussions and you will be under surveillance. To avoid you from attacking anyone, we'll get hospitals to donate unusable body parts to you to consume. Basing off how you spoke of your mom, I don't think you'll be able to go back home so we'll have you stay at a house. You want to be a hero right?

I nod slowly not knowing what to expect.

Eraserhead : Well from now till the UA entrance exams, I'll be training you to find out the rest of your abilities. Is that fine?

I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to be personally trained by a pro hero!

Izuku : Yes sir! That's fine!

Eraserhead : Okay that's good. Your new home will be ready in a day or two and I will be training you once you have settled into it. Any problems?

Izuku : N-no sir! Not at all, it's fine!

Eraserhead : Okay then. See you in a while problem child.

He says before walking off and an officer escorts me to an empty room with a bed. I sit down and realize things may finally be going my way.

Okay, nother chapter be done. It's basically jus a recap of whas happened so far and whatnot. Oh well. Next chapter have more action tho so 🤪

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