3: More Changes

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Deku Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. The hunger was becoming too much. I got up and and quietly rushed towards the fridge and stuffed my mouth with food, only for it to come back up as I ran to the toilet and puked out all I ate. I kept doing this before coming across some coffee. I chugged it down and it surprising stayed down.

'So I can drink coffee? Why coffee? Wait that doesn't matter now. I can consume something at least!and some of the hunger dissipated too. So coffee can help with that. Well looks like I'm going to be the store now.'

I think as put on a jacket and shoes. I quietly exit and make my way to the store. Once there, I pay for the coffee and begin to make my way back... Only for something that smelt DELICIOUS to enter my nose. My stomach growled and so I followed the aroma into an alley with a dead end. I go in further point to see a fresh corpse on the floor. My facial features switch into that of horror and disgust.

' T-that can't be right! I-I was attracted here, because of the smell of a corpse?! Why?! Why would a dead person smell... So... DELICIOUS!'

As if without my control, my body lunges at the body as I do the unthinkable. I... Started... EATING... The body... I knew it was so wrong, I felt disgusted with myself, but I couldn't move away... It was too good! It was sweet and tender.

When I finally got control over my body again, I looked at what I had done. I was hunched over the body still biting into it. I immediately spit out the piece in my mouth as I backed up against the wall.

'T-this can't be happening! I-I just a-a-ate someone! A human being! How can I be a hero like this?! If satisfying my hunger means I must freaking eat people! Why?! Why did this happen to me?!'

Was my last thought before grabbing the coffee bag and bolting out the and running home. Luckily, the dark sky made my now blood-stained clothes harder to see.once I made it home, I rush to my room and put the coffee down on my desk.

After that I go to the bathroom to wash myself when I spot something in the mirror. I look closer and see something that nearly made me shriek out of I didn't put my sweater in my mouth to muffle it. My left eye was completely black except for the pupil which was a bright red color with red veins stretching across the eye and on my skin.

Then I realized I had seen this before. In the incident with Rize 4 days ago.

'When she attacked me, her eyes were... This color... She also said she wanted to eat me... Is this because of the fact her organs were transfered to me? But that shouldn't coz something like this. Did... she have a power... that wasn't a quirk? And it passed on to me when they gave me her organs? No that's completely Implausible. How could she have a power that wasn't a quirk? But if having her organs in me is the reason, I-I'll just cut them out! Yeah! '

I think as grab a knife from the kitchen. I walk back to my room and just stand there for a bit. After a while, I slowly lifted up my shirt and placed it in my mouth. My mind was racing with thoughts of how it could go wind or if I should. Once it built up too much to handle, I thrust the knife towards my body. I didn't feel any pain. I felt no blood pouring out. I looked down slowly and was glad my scream was muffled by the shirt. The knife had completely bent the other other direction. Tears ran down my face as I realized I'm stuck like this.

'Why?! Why me?! If anyone found out about this, I'll be hunted down as a villain on the making! What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?!

I started to think as the water ran down my body in the shower. After that I washed out the clothes to get out the blood. I hang the clothes around in the bathroom so my mom doesn't question why they needed to be washed.

After that, my mind raced once again with negative thoughts.

' What am I going to do? Can I be a hero? Even with this incredibly villainous "power". How much will my life change after this?'

I thought as I once again feel asleep... But just before fading into complete unconsciousness, I heard a woman's voice in my head faintly say my name...

Rize : Izuku~...

Sorry is so short. Or at least compared to the others. One : is 02:47 am rn and in tired so....yeah. Two : it's not meant to be long since it's just finding out some of the differences. Anyhoozle, enjoy the book if u actually read it I guess

A ghoul in a hero's world (BnhaxTG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora