20. Starting Anew

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Deku Pov

I jolted up in a cold sweat, the moon still shining down through the window, but it was clear that it would be morning soon. I felt around at my limbs, my fingers and toes to be exact, feeling a little phantom pain of the torture Yamori had done.

Izuku : Dammit...

I got up and stretched in an effort to wake up my body, hearing a few pops before stopping. I looked outside and saw quite a few people already walking about and doing their business.

' I need a change of clothes and a few supplies... Maybe I can grab some things from my old home. Hopefully the heroes didn't decide to check if I went back there.'

I thought as grabbed the mask in the floor. It still had the hole by the area where the mouth was.

' Hmm, maybe I can ask someone to add a design there. And add an eyepatch to cover my normal eye and leave the changing one open. '

I thought as put the mask on and climbed out the broken window. I landed Wyeth a small thud and ran toward the apartment UA had given me to stay in. Seeing as heroes would still be looking for me and it was still quite dark, I kept in the shadows, taking back alley routes to get to my destination.

As I approached the apartment, I checked for any police or heroes around the building. After thankfully finding none, I ran up to the side of the building and jumped in through the window.

Finding myself in my room, I grabbed a bag and started packing in a few clothes. I grabbed a few of the flesh packs that was still fresh in the fridge and not expired. I also packed in a few coffee jars and my sewing kit for my mask.

After packing in a few other necessities, I closed the bag and hopped back out the window. By now the sun was quite high up already, so I assumed it was around 10am. I once again ran in the alleys and stuck to the shadows.

I took a turn into another alley only to stumble upon a thugs pestering a woman and clearly weren't having any good intentions.

Thug 1: Cmon, cutie. If you come and hang with us, we'll promise you a real good time.

Thug 2 : Yeah, it'll be nice.

Woman : No, now leave me alone!

Thug 1 : Awww, don't be like that. We just want a good time.

Izuku : Hey man, she said no.

Thug 2: Huh? Tch. Get lost brat! Before I get rid of you myself!

He said, shoving me with push that seemed to pack quite a force behind it, but I only took a single step back.

Izuku : Excuse me, Miss? You can leave. You don't have to worry about these guys anymore.

She thanked me before quickly running away at u stared at the 2 thugs in front of me.

Thug 1 : That's it, brat! Now you've done it!

He shouted as they both activated their quirks.  Thug 1's body became all spiky and the other one held a ball of purple energy in his hand.

Izuku : *sigh* Can we not do this? I'm in a hurry.

Thug 1: Shut it, brat! I'm gonna turn you into mincemeat!

He yelled as charged at me. I stayed on my spot til he was inches away from me, before moving left with him going past me. Before he fully went pass though, I kicked his gut, sending him into the air.

I looked down at my leg and saw a couple of holes in them from his spikes.

Thug 2 : Ha! Stupid brat! Now you can't run away!

Izuku : What do you mean?

I say as I appear on front of his face. He jumps back in surprise and shoots the energy ball at me. It hits me in the chest and causes smoke to cover the area I was standing in.

Thug 2 : Ha, take that! There's no way you can still be alive after taking that directly!.

Izuku : That was supposed to hurt?

I say as the smoke cleared and it showed me unscathed but I had a hole in my top

Izuku : Dammit... Oh well, I was gonna change anyway.

Thug 2: What the?! How are you unscathed?!

Izuku : Easy, your attack was weak.

And with that, I appeared in front of him again and punched him in the stomach. The impact caused him to collapse from the pain and lack of air.

I sighed as I looked over at the other one who was groaning from the kick and the fall and got an idea. I found a metal pipe and twisted it into a handcuff-like shape and tied the two of them up.

Once I finished up, I went back to the building I found the previous night and set my stuff down. I would be staying here for a while so I'd need to refurbish the place. That means getting a job.

I thought over the idea and decided to go look for one tomorrow. For now, I unpacked what little stuff I brought and changed my clothes.

I then roughly stitched my mask back together so it at least didn't show my face as much. I was still going to add the new designs to it, but it'll have to wait and so for now, this'll have to do. Besides, it wasn't just for not having heroes recognize me, but also to hide my face from the evil I will find to be my victims.

I may not be able to be a proper hero in public, but I'll still be one in the shadows. Getting rid of the scum that just can't be allowed to live due to what they do or have done.

Well, imma cut this off here. It's quite a bit shorter than most of the other chaps, not even hitting 1000 words, but it'll have to do for now. Oh,here's a funny stupid statement that you are really not obligated to take note of: I managed to burn my hand in the oven while busy with food. And yes, I'm well aware of the fact I'm an idiot. Anyhoozle, hope you enjoy! Bye!

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