5. Aftermath

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Deku Pov

When I woke up, I was greeted by the blinding light of the sun causing me to snap my eyes close once again. After blinking to adjust my eyes, I saw a white ceiling as well as smelling a stronger than usual antiseptic scent. It was so strong, it caused me to hold my nose in a vain struggle to not smell it anymore. Then I looked around to find myself in a hospital bed, thus being in a hospital.

Whilst still holding my nose, I tried to remember what happened to cause me to be here and remembered the incident with the sludge villain. I saved Kacchan but ended up getting stabbed in the torso with shrapnel.

'Wait... I got stabbed...?'

I shifted my clothing and saw there was no scar. No indication of ever being stabbed. At that moment, a doctor walked in and looked happy to see I was awake.

Dr Kanou : Why hello there. I see that you're awake. That's good. I am Dr Kanou. I just came for a check up but you seem fine.

Izuku : Huh? Oh yes! Yeah, I'm fine...

I say a bit unnerved for some reason by the doctor's expression. It looked happy to see me... A but too happy...

Dr Kanou : Anyway, you should be able to leave later on today. Your regenerative abilities are truly remarkable to to have healed such a wound with no scarring.

'Regenerative abilities?  I have regeneration?...'

Izuku : U-um doctor? When was the attack? Like how long have I been here?

Dr Kanou : How long? Why only a few hours really. We ask thought you wouldn't be able to survive seeing as how big and where the wound was. But I noticed the wound moving and told the doctors to remove the metal piece. As soon as it was removed your body started healing in its own. Truly a remarkable regenerative ability.

'It's only been a few hours?! And my body regenerated itself after taking damage? Is this because of that strange power again. Is that why my senses feel heightened? And why I was able to reach the sludge villain so quickly and yank Kacchan out of it with no effort? If it is... Maybe just maybe... I can be a hero... I'll just need to find a way to curb my hunger... There's coffee but that's not enough...I guess I can figure that out at home.'

Izuku : Um doctor?  Is it okay if I leave now. My body feels alright and at 100%.

Dr Kanou : I'm not really supposed to let you, but I don't see the harm either. You may leave now.

Izuku : Thank you!

I say as I rush out the door not knowing the doctor looking at me with an overly excited smile whilst thinking to himself...

'That power is one of a kind! To have regenerated like that with no scar at all! Truly amazing! But something tells me that  that's only a part of the power... Like something more powerful!'


Once I made it home, I was greeted by a bear hug from my mom before getting hit on the head.

Inko : IZUKU! Where were you! You were supposed to be home 5 hours ago!

Izuku : I-I missed the train and had to wait for the next one! I-I'm sorry for worrying you!

She seemed to looking for any kind of expression to see if I was lying and also seemed to fine nothing. Thank goodness. I can't tell her that I ended up in the hospital AGAIN.

Izuku : Well, I'm gonna go up to my room and sleep. I'm not gonna eat coz I don't feel hungry so please don't disturb me. Goodnight!

I say as I make my way to my room. Once there, I close the door, turn my back towards it, and slide down in relief of my mom not questioning further and stress of having this newfound  villainous power.

I got up and tried to think of ways to curb my hunger. There was the "immediate no" answer of eat people. I knew that the coffee would help to an extent as well, but I don't want to starve myself. I don't know how that would turn out.

In the end I couldn't really come up with an acceptable solution, so I just went to sleep. Though I knew one thing for sure. I will, in some way, turn this power into that of a hero!

Okay imma stop it here since this ain't really an eventful chapter so ya. When it comes to the next 10 months, I think I'm gonna focus on some of the kaneki experienced, of course he's still gonna have to train, then have a timeskip to the entrance exams. I dunno. We'll ask find out when is done.

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