"Do you think you can handle sitting up?" Poseidon asked. Percy thought about it for a moment before nodding his head slowly. Both Poseidon and Nereid help him up in a sitting position leaning against Triton's car.

"Triton go bring my car over here". Poseidon tossed his keys to Triton. "I'll drive him to the emergency room."

Triton took off in the direction of Poseidon's car. "Are you gonna tell us what happened or we're just gonna keep guessing?" Poseidon asked.

"I fell down a flight of stairs at school". Percy mumbled.

"I thought they told me you will have free access to the elevator?" My father frowned.

"I do."

"Then why did you take the stairs?"

Percy will never know the reason why he didn't tell the truth. He's anger was not at Luke, it was however directed towards his horrid math teacher; Miss Dodds.

"I was chewed out by a teacher for being late to class due to a traffic jam, they told me to take the stairs next time, so I did."

Poseidon had an incredulous look on his face, while Nereid rolled her eyes to the sky, "Let me guess, it was Miss. Dodds right?" She asked.

Percy nodded, but regretted it afterwards since it made his head throb. Poseidon turned to her as if he was gonna ask for more, but Nereid waved him off "I'll tell you more later."

Poseidon's car pulled in next to them. Triton parked it and got out. "Alright Percy lets get you out of here." Poseidon slowly helped him get up while Nereid grabbed his crutches.

Percy swayed slightly on his foot but had firm hands gripping his biceps so he wouldn't fall. They slowly sat him down in the passenger seat and shut the door.

"Thank you so much Ariel. You been a great help." Poseidon thanked Nereid.

"No problem. I always make it a priority to watch out for my students. I'll make a complaint about Miss. Dodds tomorrow morning. I doubt anything will be done about it though."

Poseidon thanked her again before turning his attention towards Triton, "Go ask Nerus what needs to be done and inform him that I will not be returning tonight." Triton nodded and headed towards the building with Mrs. Nereid.

Poseidon got into the driver seat. He turned to look at his son,"Did you really fall down a flight of stairs?"

Percy frowned, "Yes, I smacked my head against the the wall during the fall." Percy demonstrated the hit by smacking his head and severely regretted it the moment after.

"Alright I believe you. Must of smacked that head pretty hard, you were unconscious for a solid five minutes after you face planted a couple of minutes ago."


"You're gonna need to try and stay awake for me until we can get you to a hospital. Your head injury seems severe, I don't want to take any chances."

Poseidon pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to the nearest hospital. It was very hard to keep his eyes open. Percy felt them start closing and he used all of his strength to reopen them again. It felt like an eternity before they pulled into the emergency room, but in reality it was a five minute drive.

Percy struggled with crutches to make it to the waiting room. But alas he collapsed into one of those plastic chairs. He ignored the stares coming from the other sick or injured patients. Instead he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling.

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