~Boy Fever~

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---------------------------------------------Y/N pov-----------------------------------------------------------------------

It's Tuesday, so already I'm at a loss of motivation to do anything, but now on top of that I have a fever of 39C, and I've thrown up twice. And even worse today was supposed to be the first day Bunny and I were gonna be able to actually get to work on the assignment. I quickly got my phone to text the boys the bad news


Bad news, whatever hoe runs this planet decided to make me sick today

Bunny Boy

Shit, probably the American in you.


Tf, that doesn't even make sense

Bunny Boy

yes it does, everything I say makes sense

Dad 2.0

Both of you are idiots. We will stop by your house after school


Yes you will you peasants

Bunny Boy

What the fuck I got things to do

Dad 2.0

Yea like your project, and making sure your friend is ok

Bunny Boy

Friend is a strong word....


oh shut it, ill see you after school.

Bunny Boy

Fine. God you guys are clingy


I shut off my phone and forced myself to get up to go grab some water. I glanced at the mirror as I walked by it, god I look like shit. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and heading back to my room. When I passed by my window I saw Asher rounding up everything he needed for school. He glanced up at the window and I waved lightly before heading back to bed. I had a huge headache so I drank a bit of water before deciding to go back to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door, I glanced at my clock which shined the time 3:56 pm. Absentmindedly I just yelled that it was unlocked and looked over to see a familiar blonde standing awkwardly in the doorway. I smiled lightly at the sight of him and told him to come in.

"Where's Asher?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes and stretching a little, I remembered him saying he would be with us.

"Oh his mom got off work early so he needed to go help her get some things around the house done. I thought I should still probably stop by considering we do have the project we have to get done. I can leave if you want though, I know you're probably tired."

"No its fine, we should really get started on the project." I watched as he got out 2 pieces of paper and 2 pencils, turning to hand me one of each. That's when the weirdest thing happened. there we were, both just sitting on my bed, his arm reaching out to hand me some things to use for a simple project, that's when I noticed it. That's when I noticed just how gorgeous he was. Now I have always known he was a very handsome guy, but this felt different. This was like I was seeing him through completely different eyes. 

"Bee-Bee? You alive over there?"

I snapped out of it and looked at him again, he was back to normal now. "sorry must've zoned out." I grabbed the paper and pencil from him, throwing aside my previous thoughts of ones that a girl who has seen one too many romance movies would think. 

We chatted about random details we could add to make the book more interesting and after an hour we had 2 pages done. It was a heavily rough draft and we really only had maybe one page of good information, but we were proud nonetheless. After we finished we talked for a bit, I was still not feeling perfect but I was definitely feeling much better than I was when I first woke up this morning. He was telling me another story about his friend Toby, this one was about another time they had met up. Apparently, it was snowing that day and Toby decided he wanted to go ice skating, in the kiddie pool they had. 

"I tried telling him that it was a bad idea, but he insisted that he knew what he was doing. Dumbo didn't even check that the thin layer of ice would be thick enough to hold him, just got on, immediately falling down from losing his balance after realizing how thin the ice was. Luckily it was not deep enough to actually harm him!"

We both burst out into laughter for a good 3 minutes, then spent another minute trying to catch our breath. After we were both breathing normally again it was silent for a second. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comforting either. It was tense like there was something both of us were thinking but neither could say. I spent a second trying to figure out what it could be until I finally looked at him, he was looking into my eyes, no not my eyes, my lips. He noticed my glance and quickly looked down at his hands, turning slightly red. Without thinking I lightly placed my hand on the side of his cheek, he looked up at me with a confused expression for a second before I leaned in, pausing for only a moment before filling in the small gap between us, closing my eyes as our lips collided. 

I opened my eyes and shot up from my slumber, glancing at my clock that read 12:31 pm. I looked around my empty room, just how I left it. No papers, no story, nothing. What the fuck was that I thought to myself as I took another sip of water. I checked my temp, back down to 37, I still had a bad headache though. The fact that about 1000 thoughts were running through my head about the fact that I just had a dream where I kissed one of my closest friends. It's definitely not my fault, it cant be, I can't control what I dream it's not like I did it, it doesn't mean anything, Right?

A/n sorry just needed a filler chapter, I wrote this in 30 minutes and it not proofread oopsies

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